Dear Reader:
It just so happened that the timing was perfect yesterday morning to capture the sun’s first rays hitting the yard and the garden. It was breath-taking. The word that kept coming to mind to describe this early morning beauty was “dapple.”
Phrases from books I had read in the past brought passages like “The sun’s rays dappled on the young boy’s face casting shadows across it.” Or as a noun: “No dapple of shadows was there, no rustle of leaves,no green, mossy trunks of trees.”
Dapple actually means to mark with spots. In the middle ages….the term was used to describe a “dappled” shade of grey on certain horses.
But yesterday….it was the “dappling” of sun light hitting the different plants and flowers that made my heart sing with joy. I, especially, loved watching the sun cast its rays on the new sprouts peeking their head out for the first time. (Little daffodils who just got planted about a month ago….quite remarkable actually!) The sun seemed to go right through the light azaleas turning them into pink candy stripes….gorgeous!
Come with me on a “treasure hunt” looking for sun-drenched “dapples” of beauty. I can look out my window by the computer and fall in love with nature all over again….what a motivator for new idea for the blog posts.
The scene below is what I get to see every morning now when I sit down at the computer (out by new windows!)
With spring just around the corner….I got two new items for my little “dappled” fairies in the garden!
Cindy Ashley sent me this article/photo after Friday’s post on “every day” blindness to the beauty around us. In Death Valley, California this year….El Nino has provided something quite miraculous….not a dead, life-less valley, but one filled with flowers. I told Cindy it is what happens when Mother Nature meets El Nino as God smiles. (am enclosing the link Cindy sent so you can read the article and enjoy more photos if interested.)

Rare superbloom in California’s Death valley | Earth | EarthSky
So until tomorrow... For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, Hill and vale and tree and flower, Sun and moon and stars of light: Lord of all, to thee we raise this our joyful hymn of praise. "Today is my favorite day" Winnie the Pooh Take a minute and listen to the beautiful old will start and/or end your day in peace. For the Beauty of the Earth - John Rutter - YouTube
Be still and know that I am God…Love you and your blog…
Back at you Gin-g!