Dear Reader:
Over the past two days Marcia, Susan, and I have had time to start peeling back the layers of past events in our lives to reveal what connects us as cousins….the blood-line of similar values.
We shared lots of old photos, stories of the heart-break of watching our parents grow old, and for some of us losing them. We updated each other with our adult children and grandchildren.
Soon we realized that a common cord ran through the tapestry of each of our lives and that was our wish to keep working at becoming the person God imagined when we were created. None of feel that we have reached that goal….it is a day- by- day struggle to keep reaching out to the world so that important spark of the Divine within us can continue to grow within us.
We all three share high work ethics modeled for us by our mothers and grandmothers. With a predominant English, Scot-Irish genealogy we share a determination to follow our dreams and turn them into active reality. And lastly, we all share a sense of humor that has served us well in difficult times.
We, also, admitted that we agree God is not going to make us be something we aren’t unless we trust Him enough to allow His Presence to guide us instead of trying to do it all ourselves. We must first be open to His messages and then respond accordingly to His wishes. We all cling to faith and trust as our compasses through life.
We understand how important family is and how short life is…our pledge is to meet again soon because life is preciously short. As we enter a new stage in life we can no longer afford the “luxury” of putting things off for another day. We only have today, the hours, and minutes that make it up.
So we talked a lot, ate a lot, and shopped a lot….it’s what cousins do !
We only got halfway down Short Central because we stopped at every shop….Susan told me that she was in love with Summerville and all its friendly store owners but Samantha at Simple to Sublime was the friendliest of all…Marcia and Susan loved her….what’s not to love? (Trying on coats while Samantha took our pictures.)
For dinner we met Ben at Oscars and had more stories to share and lots of laughter.
So until tomorrow….Help us Father help ourselves by being open to Your Guidance….without our willingness to follow Your lead we won’t reach our full potential.
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
- Sorry for the delayed post….my eyes were closing as I was typing last night and I hit Feb 26 instead of 25….Oops! That is what having too much fun will do to ya!
Becky , I am reading this in the middle of the night. Your little light shines. Thanks.
Love, Joan
Thank you Joan….becoming who we are meant to be is definitely a two-way collaboration.