Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Boo Y’all” at a May Garden Party!

Dear Reader: “Boo Y’all” might seem strangely out of place at the end of May instead of October but Cindy Ashley’s napkins (she found for me last fall) fit perfectly with the blog readers’ get-together. I (Boo) was so happy … Continue reading

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Moon Beams, Coins in a Fountain and Wishes of Happiness

Dear Reader: Last night I tested batteries and lights for the garden lanterns and began placing them around as darkness descended. Soon, however, I realized that the sky looked like it was shining a giant flashlight on the yard and … Continue reading

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It All Began with Hope, a Prayer, a Dream and Orange Plastic Tape

Dear Reader: While cleaning out a crate of “stuff” (junk) yesterday….a long slender piece of wood got stuck in the holes of the crate. I tugged and pulled and finally the “stick” came flying out with something long and orange … Continue reading

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Be Kind to Yourself!

Dear Reader: When I look out my “blog bungalow” window I get to see the ginger plant Vickie recently gave me. Because I had been told that it would add a lovely scent seasonally to the garden I searched in … Continue reading

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Become a Lake…

Dear Reader: As I was searching through my old electronic files yesterday, I came across an anecdote that made me pause and reflect; The name of the story is: “Become a Lake” An aging Hindu master grew tired of his … Continue reading

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You Can Choose to Want Less…

Dear Reader: I remember Uncle Herschel telling me one time:  “There are two ways to be rich, Becky….earn more or want less.” Uncle Herschel was a very wise man. I spent most of my working life living from paycheck to paycheck … Continue reading

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“You’ve Got to Get Up Every Morning with a Smile on Your Face”

Dear Reader: I woke up yesterday feeling so good with a big smile on my face. There was no particular reason for it besides just being happy to wake up to life. Now that I think about it….that’s a really … Continue reading

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“Brave, Afraid, and Very, Very Alive”

Dear Reader: I think the vast majority of us during different stages (or at least one stage) of our existence have lived lives more to please others than ourselves. At least I know that was true in my case. Whether … Continue reading

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The Day We Feel Like We Belong in This World

Dear Reader: Wasn’t yesterday the most beautiful day yet? It was a “Zippity do-Dah” day! I couldn’t stay inside yesterday afternoon, so I just started wandering around the garden, yard, and then neighborhood….for once not worried about watering or planting…just … Continue reading

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“Where Have All the Butterflies Gone?”

Dear Reader: Even though the remarkably talented Pete Seeger wrote (what some music critics deem) the most influential folk song from the sixties (“Where Have All the Flowers Gone“)…it was the equally talented trio of Peter, Paul, and Mary whose beautifully … Continue reading

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