Category Archives: Uncategorized

In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed Fairy.

Dear Reader: Well. I have officially made the “ole’ lady in her gardening hat” status. I slept in late yesterday, to almost nine. So by the time I got up, dressed, and ate a little breakfast the sun was up … Continue reading

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“Was” and “Is”

Dear Reader: I don’t think any school age child takes in the significance of two important words learned during grammar lessons on verb tense. The words are “was” and “is.” The first picture of the “fledgling” garden was taken in … Continue reading

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The Hidden Treasure Inside Us

Dear Reader: i am loving ‘six years old’ so far in Eva Cate’s development. We can have such great conversations now that make me laugh and cry at the same time. Yesterday this happened and the age-long mystery of the … Continue reading

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“Be Warm Inside and Out”

Dear Reader: While reading May 31’s Simple Abundance narrative for today I grew excited. It was all about creating homes filled with whimsy, wit, and childlike dreams of fantasy. Author, Breathnach, used artist/illustrator, Mary Engelbreit’s home as an example. Engelbreit found … Continue reading

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To Be Vulnerable is to be Alive…

Dear Reader: Happy Memorial Day! Our family celebrated this important holiday yesterday at Mandy and John’s home, since some of the family had the day off Monday and some didn’t. Like Saturday….it was a day filled with bouts of an … Continue reading

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To Be Continued…

Dear Reader: I had some kind of epiphany yesterday watching Rutledge and Lachlan stand by their Japanese Maples. I decided each year at the same time I am going to take a photo of each child by their tree and … Continue reading

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“If You Plant It, They will Come!”

Dear Reader: I almost dropped my watering can yesterday morning when suddenly something startled my peripheral vision. Could it be? It was! A butterfly! After all these weeks whining and complaining about the absence of butterflies in the garden since … Continue reading

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“A Slice of Life”

Dear Reader: Even though Grandmother Wilson reminded me, on several occasions, to stop and enjoy a “slice of life” the expression originally referred to a short film, documentary, or play with  “slice of life” dialogue throughout…”unembellished representation of real life.”  … Continue reading

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“When did I become a “Sugah” and a “Sweetheart”?

Dear Reader: I reckon I just have to recognize the fact that suddenly I am old. It is making me a little sad, like my drooping confederate rose (above) but also mad! Yesterday I told stories to seven different time … Continue reading

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Flowers: Messengers from the Past

Dear Reader: Two summers ago when Anne and I went to Ireland we spent a lot of time at the Burren. One of the strangest places you will ever see. At first glance it looks like God just cleared out … Continue reading

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