Category Archives: Uncategorized

An Unexpected Act of Kindness

Dear Reader: Monday evening something unexpected happened that  took me a few moments to register. It was an unusual act of kindness… providing a much needed smile across my face. Let me start at the beginning of the story ….since … Continue reading

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The Shadows of Memories in Special Places

Dear Reader: I am becoming pretty adept at telling time by the shadows on the driveway outside my “Happy Place” computer office/room. By just looking at the shadows in the photo…I would guess it is mid-afternoon. *(Just checked the bottom … Continue reading

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The Angel Who Saved “Big Red”

Dear Reader: This beautiful “birth stone” hanging angel that Marcia -Mollie’s mom gave me one year (several years ago)  – always lifts my spirits when I open the glass storm door to enter my happy room….the den. For the most … Continue reading

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The “Backwards” Path that Leads us Forward; Leads Us Home!

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I realized when I went to water the garden that Mother Nature had “snuck” in during the night and done just that  for me! All the flowers and plants were beaming in satisfaction… fully refreshed and … Continue reading

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Simply Be with What Is…

Dear Reader: The problem with living alone is that when the house gets messy there is no one else to blame. That said, ever since the children all moved out (long ago)…overall the level of messiness is minute in comparison … Continue reading

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We Are Living the “Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer”

Dear Reader: It does work! I couldn’t resist the urge to crack an egg on the ledge of my deck around 3:00 yesterday…. Then I forgot about it for about half an hour before I went to look and there … Continue reading

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“Zilch, Nada, Zip…Wait it Out”

Dear Reader: The drought over my beloved “Rainbow Road” is over! As I am typing away,  the rain is falling…beautiful, beautiful rain. It is 6:30 P.M. and the rain storm started right around 6:00. This is the first rain in … Continue reading

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“We Have Only What we Give Up”

          (Left-garden 2013 and Right-yesterday 2016) Dear Reader: I had an epiphany yesterday as I went out (one more time) to water my garden. (How my side of Summerville lucked out on any substantial rain is a … Continue reading

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Independence Day Farewells

From the Federalist Papers that Madison and Hamilton wrote together….(though later they would disagree on many political philosophies) they both agreed on the following thought: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” Dear Reader: It is over….Alexander Hamilton … Continue reading

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“Sending Out Ripples of Hope”

Dear Reader: My garden wants to wish you a special Fourth of July Independence Day with red, white, and blue symbolic flowers of “ripples of hope.” But before we talk about “ripples of hope” on a very special Happy Birthday … Continue reading

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