Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Save My Place”

Dear Reader: I just finished a wonderful old-fashioned style romance (Save My Place) which spoke, on many levels, to me since the backdrop and timing of the story matched  my own personal coming-of-age. This novella (only 150 pages….read it in … Continue reading

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Cracks in Our Faith

Dear Reader: The most popular word to come out of Jakie’s mouth these days is the word: “MINE!” Sunday Jakie will be 22 months old and in child development terminology… that must mean “Mine, Too, Too.” What Jakie doesn’t realize … Continue reading

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Caring Takes Us Full Circle

Dear Reader: The old joke, with retired teachers, used to be “Always ask who the cook is that night at a restaurant, or the name of your server.” If you recognize the name or face of a disgruntled former student….go … Continue reading

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Not Getting Distracted from Daily Distractions

Dear Reader: We all occasionally get ‘down in the dumps’ and during these periods we have a tendency to think that everything is just the “same old, same old.” Actually depression is just a period of us getting distracted from … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: I, once, heard an educational speaker give this (paraphrased) quote and found myself literally shaking my head while mentally disagreeing with the statement. He gave this definition of the purpose of schools and subsequent learning. ” Children enter … Continue reading

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Staying Soft in a “Hard-Knocks” World

Dear Reader: At the age I am now…I don’t have the same intensity towards obtaining goals that I did when younger. Thank goodness! I have finally come to realize that changes in life usually happen slowly, like the unfolding of … Continue reading

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Reflecting in Gazing Balls…Rich in History

Dear Reader: Joan, John’s mom, sent me this beautiful gazing ball a couple of years ago and it just lights up the garden. It is so iridescent that any light reflects back making the ball mirror people nearby or colorful … Continue reading

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Living a Good Story Based on Our Individual Journey

Dear Reader: Rutledge and Lachlan came over to play with Boo Boo for awhile yesterday while Mollie waited on their car to get fixed. Pirates became our favorite game…..We named Rutledge Captain Dolphin because he rode a dolphin of “hope” … Continue reading

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We Are Closer to the World than We Think…

Dear Reader: Well…I finally did it! My Ancestry DNA Test Kit arrived Wednesday afternoon and yesterday morning I got up and went straight to the kit to get started. (I would have done it Wednesday night but I kept munching … Continue reading

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“Talking the Haint Talk”…Southern-style

Dear Reader: Now this good southern home is well secured against any “haint” or “boohag/boodaddy” who might think about entering. All the doors and windows are painted blue (“Haint blue”) to ‘keep the haints from coming through.’ Sherwin-Williams (article: “The … Continue reading

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