An Unexpected Act of Kindness

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Dear Reader:

Monday evening something unexpected happened that  took me a few moments to register. It was an unusual act of kindness… providing a much needed smile across my face.

Let me start at the beginning of the story ….since it is a true one we know to expect problems and this one doesn’t disappoint.


This is the box that brought me much relief when it finally arrived Monday evening. It contains my “miracle drug” that has kept me in  the beautiful game of life now for over three years.

I order it from a specialty pharmaceutical  site out-of-state. I tried going through my local pharmaceutical initially but too many times when I went to pick up my “drug” someone  had forgotten to order it and a long delay followed.

Finally the head pharmacist gave me the address and number of the specialty site and recommended contacting them  for my monthly medication…. having it sent directly to my house.

Within a quarterly cycle…the first three months go smoothly….but after three refills another medical authorization  is needed to refill the drug.Without getting into specifics, for whatever reason, there seems to always be a communication delay between my cancer center and the specialty pharmacy.

I rarely have problems with other re-fill medications from my cancer center ….in fact they are usually right on the ball. So I don’t understand why the specialty pharmacy appears to have so much trouble hearing back on this one most important drug. Something appears to be off somewhere…and it usually ends up with me calling it in and presto… everything immediately goes through.

Murphy’s law usually kicks in at the same time, however…it is always on these refill authorization months that the UPS driver can’t find my home when I haven’t had problems before getting my medicine delivered and it ends up back at the UPS Center. It is like the stars mis-align every fourth month to delay arrival.

This time it went from delivery on Friday to Saturday to Monday.

When I opened the box Monday evening (filled with bubble pop materials to secure and keep the capsules safe)….I had the usual receipt and information sheet on all the warnings concerning side effects inside the box. (You know, like the medical commercials on television that make you wonder why anyone (in their right mind) would even consider taking that drug at all…. with all the possibilities that could go wrong?) I never read that sheet….don’t want to put bad thoughts in my head. I stay focused on the fact that this medication has given me my life back and time to watch my grandchildren grow….enough to know.

But this time….there was a funny card attached with something behind it. When I opened the note card there was a sweet apology from the nice voice on the other end of the phone (when I called Friday to let the company know I had called the cancer center about the delayed authorization…nicest person was on the other end.)

The representative had written that he wanted me to have a happy day and enjoy all the cards. Laughter is the best medicine!thumbnail_FullSizeRender (1)

A series of index cards were strung together and perforated so they could be separated . On the top was a “happy mail” card.


A grin started spreading across my face….instead of just my medication and the nice apology for the delay was some “happy mail.” Each card had a positive, upbeat saying and some had an activity like viewed in the title photo

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Here are the rest of the cards…






So until tomorrow… I decided to share the cards with all of you. Doesn’t it feel good when we really need a sign that someone cares about our little world and life problems… And then Someone decides to let us know He does?

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

* Yesterday I discovered that “birthing” tragedies affect plants, as well, as animals and humans. Monday night I watched as one moon flower bud almost unfurled by the light of the moon but it just couldn’t seem to quite push the bloom out.

Early the next morning (yesterday) I expected to see the new moon flower in all its glory but instead the old bud was still there….looking worse for wear. And then yesterday afternoon the budding blossom had died…it had missed its chance to bloom  the evening before and was killed by exposure to the hot light and temperatures from the sun. But life goes on….this beautiful moon flower (the bud behind the dead blossom) unfurled and showed the world its beauty last evening..

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*The hostas around the fountain have blooms now too….beautiful lavender blooms….it was so nice to sit on the bench last night and simply listen to the fountain and revel in the hostas’ s beauty.

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About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to An Unexpected Act of Kindness

  1. Sis Kinney says:

    Hi Becky!
    What a truly thoughtful gesture that the “nice voice on the other end of the phone” offered to you with all the laughter cards/notes! It shows that someone put a little more effort into the packing up and sending of your much-needed medications! Obviously, that person has stopped at some point and thought about how critical your medication is and perhaps even realizes that it is a life-saving medication. Truly unheard of in the world of order/confirm/ship, whatever it may be. I can see why these cards brought a smile to your face. Not just the ho-hum, hum-drum receipt of something ordered. How blessed you are! Praise God for that “nice voice on the other end of the phone” who decided to go above and beyond!
    Know your day is going to be blessed!

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