All Shall Be Well…


Dear Reader:

As children weren’t we always seeking reassurance from our parents, as we let go of one stage of development and reached towards the next one, that we would be okay and come out just fine on the other side?

Personally, I think this pattern holds true until the day we pass on to another world…and even then we all want reassurance that loved ones who have gone before us…will be there to help us transition to our new world of eternity.

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer it was the dolphin sighting that finally brought peace to me…a nod and a wink from nature…a reassurance that all (in the universe) is as it should be….or as Julian of Norwich says in the title quote:

download“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

Lady Julian was born about 1342 and when she was thirty she was expected to die, but on the seventh day, she received fifteen visions, or “showings” that restored her health and brought her “great peace and joy.”

She devoted the rest of the her life to the church… writing down her meditations and contemplations…compiled in a book called Revelations of Divine Love. (one of the earliest known works written by a woman author.)

images1In one contemplation she describes seeing God holding a tiny thing in his hand, like a little brown hazel nut…or an acorn…so fragile and insignificant that she wondered why it didn’t crumble before her eyes. She understood that the “nut” was the entire created universe, which is as nothing compared to its Creator, and she was told, “God made it, God loves it, God keeps it.”


Every day God finds ways to reassure us, His children, that no matter how insignificant we might feel compared to our Creator…He continues to make us, love us, and keep us in His loving arms.

A God Wink…I had gotten about this far along writing the blog entry (yesterday afternoon) when I took a break and checked my emails…there was one from Honey…no, actually there was one from God.

Little Miracles in Nature

Loved your blog today, as always. Just wanted to share my little miracles of nature as of late. I was up in Asheville with a group visiting Grovewood Gallery. While waiting outside I reached up in this tree with green leaves, picked one, and to my amazement it had a perfect little heart cut out. I used it as a pattern and have made many . Fast forward two weeks and Gabby and I are walking on Pinnacle. The road is covered with fallen leaves. I stopped for a min., reached down, and to my surprise I picked up a leaf that once again had a perfect heart cut out. I’m not sure what this means but I do so love leaves. Just had to share. Have a beautiful day!


Now what are the odds of Honey finding two green leaves…each with a perfect heart-shaped cut-out on each? Isn’t God just amazing in His reassurance of love to us on a daily basis?

And isn’t it also amazing that God can make a little acorn that appears fragile to the touch…but if you have ever experienced one hitting the top of your car (like I did earlier in the week heading home on Highway 17) it sounds like a gun just went off. Perhaps a wake-up call from God to stop daydreaming while driving and instead use our eyes and ears to witness His little daily miracles.

So until tomorrow….Everything is as it should be….and all is well in God’s Hands.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

*Two days late for Halloween my pink “crusader” cape (against cancer) arrived yesterday with a pink mask. Oh well…that is okay…I will be the pink crusader next October for the Race for the Cure!








*When we were at Mepkin Abbey Tuesday I picked up some note cards at the gift shop…they always have the most beautiful cards. As I was putting them away yesterday morning one fell out and it is the title picture card for this blog on “all shall be well.

Now I know why it came to my attention. Just heard last evening from Sis Kinney that she is facing  a “catheter ablation” to try and control her afib. Since she passed out during her church service September 11 she has continued having more episodes that leave her tired and unsettled.

So on November 22 Sis will undergo the procedure at the Wake Forest Baptist Health hospital in Winston-Salem. Sis is asking for prayers during this time and she certainly has them. She has been one of the most loyal, devoted blog readers and responders since she first let her presence be known.

We all know the power of prayer so let’s start early with prayers for our Sis and continued prayers for Bobby as he still goes routinely to see his oncologist. We want them back in the mountains together…healthy and ready to snug in for the winter months ahead.

We love you Sis…take care and please let Bobby know he is also in our thoughts and prayers! “All shall be well.”


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to All Shall Be Well…

  1. Sis Kinney says:

    How very sweet and “thoughty” (as my mother used to say!) of you to put me and my “issues” into your blog; how “very Becky” of you!!! As I opened today’s blog and saw your title, I think it was a God wink for ME. A long-time friend from Virginia and my church there had sent me the very same quote in response to the email I’d sent. So, with the both of you stating that, I am convinced that “all will be well.”
    Again, today’s blog was great! Loved the hearts within the green leaves that Honey found. Never seen that or heard of it. I have also enjoyed reading about your trip to Mepkin Abbey and seeing the pictures. Bobby and I used to go every year to see the creche displays, and I miss that. But, I had no idea there was a labyrinthe on-site; maybe that’s new since our last visit in 2012 (??). It really is a peaceful place and a wonderfully quiet “retreat” center.
    Much love to you, and you know YOU are still in MY prayers. So, with the power of prayer in which I firmly believe, we shall both be well!!

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