Category Archives: Uncategorized

Trust the Timing of Your Life…

Dear Reader: The longer I live the more hindsight I have… these days it consumes the breath and depth of my present life. I openly acknowledge that everything in my life has happened for a reason at the time it … Continue reading

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Christmas in July… an Ukrainian Christmas Story

Dear Reader: Every time I walk to my car I pass my Ukrainian tree flag… it reminds me how easy it is to push suffering of others on the back burners … while so many unfortunate families and lives have … Continue reading

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Deep Meanings in Life Dwell in the Everyday Ordinary…

Dear Reader: In the past couple of days …shared conversations… with two of my favorite ” sisters-in-” love” -Doodle and Lassie …have provided me with thoughts about life that have elevated my sense of belonging… my place in this crazy … Continue reading

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Baseball and Life… Connected Forever?

Dear Reader: A couple of weeks ago… I mentioned that I had just finished a ” summer read” ( On Fire Island) I enjoyed because the angle or perspective of the main character, Julia Morse, was most unusual in that … Continue reading

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An Ordinary Saturday Morning… Turned Magical!

Dear Reader: Saturday morning… I really had only one objective… to get some zinnias from the ” flower lady” at the local Farmers Market… and that meant getting there early… by around 8:30am or so … the flowers go quickly. … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: One of our local weathermen, yesterday, announced that we ( Lowcountry residents) are getting ready to enter the hottest stretch of summer … apexing in the next ” Top Ten Most Torrid Days” of the year… with heat … Continue reading

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In Order to Be Happy… We Have To Be Brave

Dear Reader: Come with me…and let’s all go back in time to the first day of first grade. We are all nervous and excited simultaneously. We can hardly wait to meet our teacher… she walks in and is beautiful in … Continue reading

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A New Day, A New Blessing, A New Hope

Dear Reader: I have come to realize as we grow older, our sleep habits change. For a few months now… I find my inner alarm clock going off around 5 – 5:30 am. I am wide awake and immediately my … Continue reading

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You Have What It Takes…

Dear Reader: It took me awhile of growing and loving, to finally realize we don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward in life, we just have to keep taking that leap of faith. What makes us … Continue reading

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A Beautiful Rainy Morning…

Dear Reader: Waking up yesterday morning to the sound of rain … just starting to hit the ground, was music to my ears! I dashed out and made sure my new milkweed plant ( ” manna from Heaven” for monarch … Continue reading

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