Dear Reader:
Come with me…and let’s all go back in time to the first day of first grade. We are all nervous and excited simultaneously.
We can hardly wait to meet our teacher… she walks in and is beautiful in our eyes… young but with eyes that have seen a lot of life-now filled with wisdom- she is smiling and kind… immediately arranging us on the floor around her. Instead of going around the circle to learn our names… she first introduces herself and then makes a puzzling comment.
” My name is Miss Life and guess what you will learn this year… how to be happy!” (We all clap and laugh at the news.” -much relieved! )
” But… she now looks into everyone’s eyes around the circle… there is catch. Before you can be happy… you first must be STRONG!” ( As the boys flexed their muscles… Miss Life shook her head with a sweet smile. ” Not physically strong… she points to her heart and then asks the children to point to their hearts… we must build up Brave Hearts.”
And as the year passed …failures, hurt feelings, and disappointments were recognized as new opportunities to add bravery to our hearts and happiness to our lives.”
And today… isn’t Life still our greatest teacher? And haven’t we learned that we have truly earned all the happiness that dwells within us from the difficult challenges we have bravely met head on-that made us stronger. ( And it makes happiness even more precious in our memories?)
So until tomorrow…
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Oh… almost forgot … the little white pumpkin that bravely lived on hope… it would have survived three years Halloween since Susan Swicegood decorated it for me one fall and it sat in my den window defying all the odds… but after half a can of Lysol when I went to pick it up and it fell apart on me… the farewell was pretty quick… it had gone from white to yellow and then mush! Bye/Bye my extraordinary pumpkin!