Category Archives: Uncategorized

Two Words that Are the Most Difficult to Maintain Throughout Our Lives: “Have Faith.”

Dear Reader: Haven’t you started a week sometimes with a terrible foreboding that it is not going to be a good one…in fact…you feel, deep inside, that it will not have a good ending at all? During Holy Week…I always … Continue reading

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The Master Weaver

Dear Reader: Kaitlyn’s adorable bridal seamstress (Emily Kotarski) was so nice and fun last Saturday. When I asked if Charleston was her home she replied no. She was a “Philly” girl who studied design in NYC. To my question, “How … Continue reading

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It is the Unexpected Things in Life that Make us Stronger!

Dear Reader: Today I ended up on one of those writing expeditions where I started in one direction, got detoured to another, and then returned to the original plans…a whirlwind for sure…but quite satisfying! On days like this I just … Continue reading

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“How We Spend Our Days is…How We Spend Our Lives.”

Dear Reader: Kate Wolfe-Jenson, in her latest blog, discussed the importance of realizing that the ‘days of our lives’ are finite and we don’t have the luxury of dismissing any of them as trivial, while waiting for something ‘big’ to … Continue reading

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Peace in the Simple and Ordinary

Dear Reader: The older I get, the more I revel in “the simple and ordinary.” As I pointed out in yesterday’s blog I don’t believe our spiritual lives should be lived minimally (instead wide open to God’s calling) but I … Continue reading

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Scattering Joy…God-Fold

    Dear Reader: With our ‘Winnie the Pooh Blustery Day‘ yesterday I couldn’t help but think of all the joys and blessings that must be flying around us bringing delight to so many. These blessings definitely helped us get … Continue reading

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“A Blessing to Take With You Through the Day”

Dear Reader: I came across a blessing that I really like…one I found and used several years ago, in fact, in one of my older blog posts. When I discovered it again yesterday I committed it to memory so I … Continue reading

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“All Things Bright and Beautiful”

Dear Reader: Yesterday afternoon, as I sat down in front of the computer and thought about the day and what I was feeling…I suddenly heard the words in my head: “All Things Bright and Beautiful.”  “Exactly!” I thought to myself. … Continue reading

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“It’s Raining, It’s Pouring…The Old Man is Snoring…”

Dear Reader: I was so excited yesterday when I saw the rain drops falling on my car window as I was running errands that I about wrecked the car. Rain…beautiful rain! I found myself, gleefully, sing-songing the little verse we … Continue reading

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“I Woke Up This Morning and I Wasn’t Dead Again”

Dear Reader: What a beautiful thing morning is! Birds chirping, the sun peeping through the shutters, as the day calls us to come out and play! Or as Willie Nelson says: “I woke up this morning and I wasn’t dead … Continue reading

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