Category Archives: Uncategorized

Our Time in the Sun

Dear Reader: Yesterday I was in the garden with my “clippers” fighting the endless (and futile) battle against bamboo shoots popping up in my backyard from the neighbor’s yard where it grows wild. I know I am just buying some … Continue reading

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“If You Want to Know a People, Know their Proverbs.”

  Dear Reader: The other day I just happened to glance up at one of the shelves that surrounds my computer and I started thinking that this was the next project I needed to tackle…clean it out! There were so … Continue reading

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In the South…Summer Starts in April

Dear Reader: I think this funny ole’ southern saying is right about everything in the south: The South The place where…Tea is sweet… accents are sweeter Summer starts in April Macaroni and Cheese is a vegetable Ya’ll is the only … Continue reading

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Don’t Just be an Observer of Life; Touch it!

Dear Reader: Now I know why my body was calling for an R&R day yesterday…this head cold I have been nursing, turned into a full-blown sinus infection. The whole right side of my face was tender to the touch when … Continue reading

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Still Connecting…Matthew and Brer Rabbit

Dear Reader: I had a “God Wink” yesterday driving home from Mt. Pleasant. Jakie’s pre-school was closed and that sweet thing slept until after 8:00 in the morning and took a 2 and a 1/2 hour nap.  We then watched … Continue reading

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Reflections on Easter…the Planned…and Not!

Dear Reader: As I type these reflections on Easter this Sunday in April of 2017…I feel a sense of tiredness…but it is the good kind of tired…you know what I mean? I prepared everything ahead of time…overall everything went as … Continue reading

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Easter Frees Us From the “Coils” of Life

Dear Reader: Easter is here! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! This is the day that we can all fall back on for reassurance when we are caught up in the “coils” of life. On those days when everything seems lost and … Continue reading

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God As Our Compass

Dear Reader: Today is Saturday and the day in the Holy Week sequence that is the day of waiting and wondering. Jesus has died…now what? The disciples, loved ones, and followers of Jesus must have felt like they had lost … Continue reading

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“It’s Not What You Know…It’s WHO You Know.”

Dear Reader: When I saw this bumper sticker on the back window of a truck in front of me yesterday…I started grabbing my purse for my Iphone. I had just enough time (at the stop sign on Carolina Avenue) to … Continue reading

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A “Maundy Moon” over the Garden of Gethsemane

Dear Reader: Haven’t the last few nights been beautiful with the moon so bright? Monday night Mandy, Eva Cate, Jakie, and I went out to see the moon as it appeared over the trees and reflected in the canal waters … Continue reading

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