“A Blessing to Take With You Through the Day”

Dear Reader:

I came across a blessing that I really like…one I found and used several years ago, in fact, in one of my older blog posts. When I discovered it again yesterday I committed it to memory so I can say it each day as a reminder of how blessed I am.

“A Blessing to Take With You  Through the Day”

Douglas Pagets

Find serenity in everyday living

Envision the gift  of this day

When happiness comes to visit you

Encourage it to stay! 


Pagets hit the core of so much of our general malaise when he said, “When happiness comes to visit you…encourage it to stay.”

How many of us are guilty of downplaying happiness in our own lives? We win an award, or complete a degree, perhaps make a new move…one we had always dreamed about…but instead of immersing ourselves in the happiness of the moment…we become intimidated by our happiness…even scared…it is too good to be true…so no need to overly rejoice …keep happiness at a minimum and then you won’t be disappointed so much the next time things don’t go your way.

Sound familiar?

Is that any way to live life? Did Christ die on the cross for our sins so we could just take a “minimalist” approach to living, loving, and happiness- I don’t think so!

I remember hearing one motivational speaker say something one day at a conference  that startled me initially, but also made me pause and consider the truth in the statement. “Are You More Afraid of Success than Failure?”

As much as we like to complain about being stuck in the middle rung on the corporate ladder…isn’t there some truth in the fact that we are pretty comfortable right in the middle…protected by those above us and those below.

Russell Bishop in his article “Are You More Afraid of Success than Failure” mentions these two “clubs” people fall into …

If you don’t particularly like your job or some other aspect of your life, you may also find that you have become comfortable with it if for no reason other than the fact that it is familiar. If this is you, if you grouse about your daily circumstances yet you keep returning to them, then you may be a member of what I call the “Ain’t It Awful Club.” Members of this club love to engage in “one-downsmanship” or “Misery loves company.”

There is also another club:

“Perhaps you have also settled for the “Weevily Peanuts of Life Club“…rather than going for life’s banquet table. Settling for less is a very individual set of choices and definitions, and it is not my intent to define either the peanuts or the banquet table for you. However, if you have the sense that you have settled more than strived for what you want, then it might be worth your while to explore how your fear of success is in the way.”

The question we have to ask ourselves when we complain about being “stuck” in our careers or relationships is an important one: Are we more comfortable being a complainer than a solver of problems? If we are more comfortable in the complaint category and we secretly know this…the fear of success (separating us from the pack or relationship) becomes paramount.

Success will separate us from our fellow (friends) complainers… eventually resulting in us getting kicked out of the “Ain’t It Awful” and “Weevily Peanuts of Life” Clubs. Do we really want this isolation? Are we ready to change our own attitudes to advance positive change for ourselves, as well as, our peers?

Isn’t this what Jesus did throughout his short ministry…make positive changes for everyone he met? One thing we all know for certain about Jesus is that he was not a complainer. He was a solver of problems. He knew exactly how to let his fellow man know where to go for help in solving problems…to God in prayer.

In every parable “Once Upon a Time” anecdote the Good News was being spread through stories. Those who heard and believed the message had to leave their old clubs behind too….the disciples of Christ could no longer be just complainers…they all had to step up to the next rung… becoming reformers and enlighteners of Christ’s teachings and new ways of living.

So until tomorrow…Father, Help us Find the Faith and Courage to live life fully, without fear of failures or successes… but as a disciple spreading the Good News that life is meant to be lived completely and unconditionally bathed in God’s Love.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Wow! One month from today, May 6, 2017 Tommy and Kaitlyn will be husband and wife. I can hardly wait! At this point the upcoming wedding is like a roller coast ride…you get on board, strap yourself in, and squeal until it stops!

If any of you would like to send a card or communicate with Tommy and Kaitlyn…just email or messenger me and I will be glad to give you their address. You will also see wedding information on ‘The Knot‘ on Facebook too. The wedding might be small but the smiles, laughter and love will be overwhelming! The best kind!

*Cindy, did you recognize some of your adorable Easter rabbit decorations from two years ago in the title picture?

New blooms appeared today…the lilies are coming…the lilies are coming…just hope the storm doesn’t hurt all this tender new growth. Hope everyone gets through these storms unscathed and unharmed.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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6 Responses to “A Blessing to Take With You Through the Day”

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    I enjoyed this blog (Man, I need a better word for your wonderful writings.). I will try to remember that prayer and “envision the gift of every day”. Russell Bishop’s article makes you stop and think.

    • Becky Dingle says:

      That article hit home to me too…every time I had an opportunity for advancement, in my own life, I eventually took it…but not without a lot of hesitancy and fear for many of the same reasons the author cited…it is easier to complain than it is to use the same energy for improvements.

  2. Cindy Ashley says:

    Yes I noticed the bunnies and they are out on display this year too. I am also looking forward to a marriage. My oldest son, Brent, is marrying a girl from Summerville, Cindy Kelly (maiden name). She is divorced. They met about 6 years ago and are now making it official. Our wedding is at the beach and party after at our beach house. Now there will be two Cindy Ashley’s!

    • Becky Dingle says:

      I love it! We can’t get enough Cindy’s to go around! I will definitely pray for good weather…Eva Cate is having her birthday that day too so I know Mandy is praying for good weather to keep the children outside…and please pray for May 6…beach wedding and we need the same prayers! It’s “hot-line” time!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Cindy Ashley says:

    Forgot to tell you – wedding April 29 so pray for sunshine.

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