Category Archives: Uncategorized

Be Like a Tree: Always Growing and Always Grounded

Dear Reader: I remember the first time I went to the circus and saw the high wire trapeze artists … I was terrified …they didn’t have a safety net under them and I kept my eyes closed through most of … Continue reading

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Getting Oneself “In a Pickle”

* Dear Reader: Yesterday Anne invited me for lunch and to come see my “grand” niece, Nala. She has grown so much I hardly recognized her… but she was a little “under the weather” after just coming off some antibiotics… … Continue reading

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It’s All in the Packaging…

Dear Reader: Two Christmases ago I got this beautifully wrapped gift from Mandy and John which Mandy decorated. It had the softest red blanket in the bucket with several other smaller accessories. It was wrapped so elegantly I didn’t want … Continue reading

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Relics from THE Wedding…

Dear Reader: Isn’t this orchid beautiful? Susan (Kaitlyn’s Mom) gave it to me as we were all helping straighten things up and get other things out  (late Saturday night) from the Exchange Building on Breach Inlet. Yesterday as I was … Continue reading

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Just to Be is a Blessing

Dear Reader: When I came across this poster…I knew what direction my thoughts were going to head today…to blessings and prayer. A few weeks ago Kaitlyn texted me and asked if I would be willing to say a blessing and … Continue reading

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A Day of Reflection and Rest

Dear Reader: I just want to share a few quick moments of reflections on the beautiful day immortalized as Tommy’s and Kaitlyn’s Wedding Day. I woke up yesterday morning at 6:30…pop-eyed and ready to go. I worked on my blessing … Continue reading

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The Joy of Anticipation

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I woke up early…my mind swirling in its half-awakened, half-asleep condition. “What day was it?” “Ah…Friday…what was going on, what did I need to do?” And groggily I lay there and went over the list in … Continue reading

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“Normal Day…Let Me Be Aware of the Treasure You Are” 

Dear Reader: I came across one of my favorite quotes “accidentally” earlier this week and I think today, Friday, the day before the “BIG EVENT” is the perfect day to share it again. “Normal day…Let me be aware of the … Continue reading

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Living in the Realm of Possibility

Dear Reader: Isn’t one of the most important things in life… the creation of our own unique ‘realm of possibility?’ Last night as I sat out in the garden around 7:30…watching the sun slowly sink in the west…I looked down … Continue reading

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“I Am the Story of Myself”

Dear Reader: Monday night I remembered a quip that I always told my students on the first day of class. I told them if anyone ever asked  “Who are you?” Always respond with “I am the story of myself.” When … Continue reading

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