Living in the Realm of Possibility

Dear Reader:

Isn’t one of the most important things in life… the creation of our own unique ‘realm of possibility?’

Last night as I sat out in the garden around 7:30…watching the sun slowly sink in the west…I looked down the path of the garden and thought back to when it was just a back yard with grass (well…half and half weeds). It is hard for me to even remember now when the garden wasn’t there…when I had not gathered the courage to “live in the realm of possibility.”

The Confederate Jasmine smelled so good…it just seemed to waft over me every time a breeze swept by. I “googled” to see if a perfume had ever been made from Confederate Jasmine and discovered this bit of information.

…”The scent of a living flower (like Confederate Jasmine) is impossible to capture perfectly in a natural raw material. When we smell a flower, we are actually smelling the volatile molecules in the air around it. The air around the flower has a different chemical makeup than the essential oil, concrete, or absolute once it’s extracted from the plant – so the flower extracts can never smell the same as the living flower on the stem.” 

*As much as I would like to spray on a little Confederate Jasmine…I  kinda like the idea that artificial attempts to capture a God-given scent are impossible to duplicate!

FYI: Most jasmine perfumes come from India or Egypt and to put it mildly are quite expensive. So I think I will “freely” use my God-given sense of smell and enjoy it sitting in my own back yard.

As I slowly walked back to the house through the garden another scent awaited me! My first gardenia bloom! Pure joy!

Byron Garrett (The ABC’s of Life) comments in his book that as we start to pursue our earlier dreams on a more serious level, we will no doubt run into two types of people – the dream makers and the dream busters. Sadly, sometimes, it seems like there are more dream busters than makers and due to lack of trying or seeking…they tend to want to dissuade dream makers from following their own dream, their purpose in life. Stay away from them.

Instead seek out other dream makers…. change agents “who see the world differently” …not just settling for the “status quo” but pursuing the  “what could be.” They are the ones who continuously live their lives in the realm of possibilities.

I have given this some thought over the years and find it to be true…I have met both dream makers and dream busters. I no longer ‘hang’ with the dream busters. Life is too short.

While reading Oprah Magazine waiting for my annual physical at Dr. Montoya’s office yesterday (overall a good and promising report :)- Dr. Montoya is a dream-maker) I came across an article on the Miss Fountain of Youth and Exuberance gal, herself …Dolly Parton!

I had an “aha” moment when I read the following observation she has made in her life: “Some people work at being miserable, I work at being happy.”  

How true: The way I see it…if I am going to work hard and put my precious time in life on something important to me…I am not going to waste it being miserable. For my time and perseverance…I won’t settle for anything less than happy!

Here are some more photos of my ‘realm of possibilities’….my garden and who is popping up to greet me once again this spring.

Gerber daisies, Amanda Rose, Confederate Rose, and I had to move the fairies because the coleus plants were overtaking the village!😍

So until tomorrow…Remember: “The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful” (e.e.cummings)

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Kaitlyn and Tommy…Just thought I would throw in these four words of wisdom! 🙂


About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Living in the Realm of Possibility

  1. Sis H Kinney says:

    Good morning, Becky!
    What a wonderful way to view life – dream makers vs. dream breakers! It definitely IS better to seek out the dream makers! And, YOU are one of them, you know, right?! And, it’s hard to believe how much your garden has grown in just a few short years. It’s just like everything else in life – one small step at a time. Step after step, and eventually you get there!!
    I know you’re all in the throes of wedding prep and how exciting is all that?! I hope your weather will be wonderful for this beautiful event! (As I’m sitting here typing this, my almost-two-year-old grandson, whom we’re watching for the week, is eating his breakfast and watching Sesame Street and “today’s” [recorded] episode is all about weddings!! Must be something in the air!)
    Can’t wait to see pictures from the main event this weekend! Blessings and cheer to you and your beautiful family, and especially to Tommy and Kaitlyn!!
    Much love,

    • Becky Dingle says:

      How sweet! I picture Sesame Street and weddings right now…a God Wink for sure! Am ready for our last little rain front to come through today and then we are supposed to have beautiful cool low to mid-seventies for the weekend…spring returned just in time! I am beside myself with anticipation and delight! Thanks for sharing this happiness! Love you.

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