“I Am the Story of Myself”

Dear Reader:

Monday night I remembered a quip that I always told my students on the first day of class. I told them if anyone ever asked  “Who are you?” Always respond with “I am the story of myself.”

When you think about it….answering a “Who are you?” question  can result in a long, complicated answer if not formed and formatted by the story that we are. One could answer I am a daughter, niece, cousin, mother, grandmother, aunt…then list your occupation(s) and end with a child of God. Or you could respond, like many Native-American tribes taught their young, by saying simply “I am the story of myself.”

I do miss the storytelling from my teaching career…since it was a daily activity…part of my own personal “core curriculum.” I remember one year thinking I should put a sign over my door saying “Social Stories” instead of “Social Studies.” *If my beloved subject was called that…I think it would make all the difference in the world.

Monday night I re-read Kaitlyn’s re-telling of her and Tommy’s story…their “Our Story” off their wedding website.  Kaitlyn is such a talented writer and she expresses feelings that we can all relate to in such a sincere, honest style. I never cease to smile and shed a tear each time I read her writings.

When I asked Kaitlyn if I could share her story with all the blog readers she immediately texted back, “Of course!

So for our mid-week benchmark before the W E D D I N G …here’s Kaitlyn and Tommy’s “We are the stories of ourselves.”


Our lives are our own personal novels that we write every day: each year is a new chapter and each sunrise brings a new page. Tommy and I met in approximately our 29th and 24th chapters respectively.

As much as we loathe the looming law school debt over our heads now, our stories would not have merged otherwise. I had just graduated from College of Charleston that May while Tommy had gotten some work experience under his belt after graduating from Clemson in 2006, when we started Charleston School of Law in August of 2010. Ours was a large class, and we ended up in the same section: C. That first year, Tommy and I weren’t exactly friends. Apparently, Tommy was not my biggest fan. I didn’t see much of Tommy because I sat in the front and he sat in the back. The seating arrangement was part of Tommy’s dislike–he says I was a “gunner” and preferred the silence and anonymity of the back of the classroom. Anyone that knows me knows that’s not my personality.

Sometime in our second year, Tommy and I actually began to hang out due to mutual friends. In fact, I accompanied our friends Courtney and Amy to a Race for the Cure after party at Mollie and Walsh’s (Tommy’s brother) house where I proceeded to get stuck in their bathroom when the doorknob fell off: great first impression.

Tommy and I quickly became best friends. We talked incessantly and spent a lot of time together. He teased me relentlessly but I gave it back. I was totally weird and he was (or at least pretended to be) totally ok with it.

Somewhere friends turned to more, and I think we both knew but wouldn’t admit it until we shared our first kiss at our friends’, Courtney and Adams, wedding in Blowing Rock, NC.

I thought I was the love of Tommy’s life, until he met Rudy. I mean that in a nice way. Their chapter could really be a book of its own. Rudy already had my heart, but the love between those two really had me fall in love with Tommy all over again. Our family and love grew more when we added on Atticus, and then a year later Pip. Tommy went from never having a dog to having three! You’re welcome.

If I wasn’t already sure Tommy and I were a good team, it was written in stone when he became my personal rock when I lost my sister in March of this year. He picked me up, held me, let me break down, watched me fall apart, but always helped put me back together.

On August 31, 2016 after much planning, scheming, deceiving (I’ll allow it for this occasion) I was surprised for probably the first time in my life. Tommy, the boys (Rudy, Atticus, Pip) and I went for a walk on the Pitt Street Bridge …our favorite place. We’ve shared many a walks on this bridge. Let me be clear I made this very difficult by putting several roadblocks in Tommy’s path. When we got to the end of the bridge, after being distracted by a friend “on a run” (thanks Deholl), Tommy said something was on Rudy. Assuming he had a “sticky” (no idea the actual biological name) in his fur for the 1000000th time I bent down to look, only to find rings on Rudy’s harness. WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. The rest is honestly a blur. I was too overcome!

Tommy said nice stuff and I said yes and was so excited and honestly completely shocked and without words for one of the only times in my life. We left to be further surprised by a small party with family, including my parents who made the trip from Chattanooga, at Tommy’s sisters house. It was picture perfect. I will be forever thankful Rudy delivered the best news of my life.

Tommy and I have been through a lot. Our story has had so many ups and downs and even some squiggly parts after just three years. I wouldn’t trade one moment. They’re all ours.

We can’t wait to share the next big chapter with you.


Yesterday Tommy and Kaitlyn’s dog Pip ended up having to have an unexpected eye surgery for an ulcer problem.  He’s fine now (with a contact in his eye)….but this is definitely a PLAN B situation before the wedding even gets here. Not great timing on many different levels…but we are so glad Pip will be able to resume his duties as one of the groomsmen Saturday.

So until tomorrow: Great stories happen to those who tell them.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Happy Anniversary John and Mandy! What wonderful chapters you have added to your story…titled: Eva Cate and Jakie! My favorite chapters!

May 3, 2008. Nine years of  wonderful stories!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to “I Am the Story of Myself”

  1. Jo Dufford says:

    Thank you for sharing Kaitlyn and Tommy’s story. I’m so happy for all of you because I understand how important family is. Weddings are such joyful times. Congratulations to the Happy Couple!

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