Category Archives: Uncategorized

Some Days I Amaze Myself, Other Days…

Dear Reader: When I came across this hilarious truth the other day…I immediately thought of “Carrie” in the popular television series…Sex and the City. I remember she always kept her sweaters in her oven because she said it was the … Continue reading

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There’s an Extreme “Estival” Feel in the Air

Dear Reader: “Estival” is one of my new (friend) words for this summer. It basically means “summery.” And I can’t remember a past summer when we got so summery so fast and then stayed in the fast lane. Perhaps the … Continue reading

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Prayers, Not Airs…and Certainly Not Understanding the Universe

Dear Reader: Time. What an enigma! Space. What an enigma! Put them together and I can get a ‘brain-freeze’ without even the enjoyment of eating ice cream! I was watching NOVA the other night and it was talking about our … Continue reading

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A Story Bite of “The Swamp Fox”

Dear Reader: Story Bites are defined as: Story bites are a tiny but important piece of a story—a starting point, a detail, an action, or a character—written as short and fun pieces of writing. Teaching history through story bites was … Continue reading

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The Path to Summer and Continued Changes

Dear Reader: I realize for most of you looking at this picture,  it doesn’t hold any special interest…the dappling light is pretty but it is simply a driveway. To me…it is a complete renovation to this side of my property … Continue reading

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Thin Places and Thin Layers

Dear Reader: This beautifully whimsical painting of St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope by New Zealand artist, Gerda Smit, always makes me smile. She actually saw a picture of the chapel on-line and then drew her creative interpretation of it. Later … Continue reading

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So Lucky to Be in the Mountains!

Dear Reader: After we got to Mike and Honey’s around 4:00 Monday afternoon (lots of roadwork on I-26) I went to one of their bathrooms to freshen up from the trip and on the side wall was this cute hanging … Continue reading

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Collect Moments…Not Things

Dear Reader: Tomorrow I will be home and there is no doubt that the collection of ‘moments’ will have far exceeded the collection of ‘things!‘ I can hardly wait to sort through this fast excursion of happy adventures into memory … Continue reading

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You Didn’t Come This Far to Only Come This Far

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all experienced those middle of the projects blues when we can’t decide whether to go forward or turn back? I remember the first time going to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope thinking that this chapel had … Continue reading

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When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?

Dear Reader: God does work in mysterious ways. I am leaving today, along with Brooke and Jackson, to go see our our favorite mountain couple, Honey and Mike, to make our (long-awaited) pilgrimage return to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope. … Continue reading

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