Category Archives: Uncategorized

Leading with Our Hearts

Dear Reader: Haven’t we heard others and ourselves label someone as being nice enough…perhaps too nice…because he/she always leads with their heart instead of their head? (In the South…this comment is usually followed by a negative “Bless her heart.”) Perhaps … Continue reading

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A “Light” Lesson in Weight

Dear Reader: Sometimes the best lessons (or perhaps reminders) in life stem from some of the simplest daily rituals. A few years ago I was walking by a neighbor’s house (a few streets over) as she was just pulling into … Continue reading

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Taking a Moment to Thank George Washington!

Dear Reader: The history teacher in me wouldn’t let me walk out of Walgreens Tuesday without a copy of this special Time magazine…featuring our Founding Fathers. Before leaving for the July the Fourth family gathering in Mt. Pleasant yesterday afternoon, … Continue reading

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Having Fun on the Fourth!

Dear Reader: I decided to forgo any serious, personal commentaries on freedom and our country this Independence Day, but selected instead, humor for this Fourth of July. Sometimes when the times we live in and the images we live with … Continue reading

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Woof! Woof! The “Canicular” Season is Upon Us

Dear Reader: “Canicular” means “of/or relating to the period between early July and early September when hot weather occurs in the Northern Hemisphere.” According to the Old Farmers’ Almanac…’Dog Days’ start today…July 3! After reading the almanac’s predictions… we all … Continue reading

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A July 2 Remembrance

  Dear Reader: There are still some historical dates that stick in my memory neurons from my “old” teaching days. July 2 is one of them… for two different reasons. July 2 is the real celebration date for the Declaration … Continue reading

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Getting Comfortable in Our Own Skins

Dear Reader: It never ceases to amaze me how one quote can send me merrily off into the land of memory stories…my own memories…my own stories. Yesterday started out so beautifully….with rain! Wonderful, cooling, luscious rain! It was unexpected which … Continue reading

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“Flipping Over” Our Story

Dear Reader: This title photo is a picture of the Great Hall located in Queen Margrethe II’ s Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark. Today this hall is famous for eleven individually-woven tapestries  that tell the history of Denmark…from the Vikings … Continue reading

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Dappling Through Life

Dear Reader: I think I will always remember the summer of 2018 as the “dappling summer.” It is a summer where we mark our shadows and hunt for tree shadows on sidewalks and walkways to escape the fierce direct rays … Continue reading

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Sunrise, Sunset

     Sunrise                                                       Sunset Dear Reader: As I was pulling up lots of … Continue reading

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