Category Archives: Uncategorized

Watching Nature From My Windows

Dear Reader: I now have my clear sugar water in my hummingbird feeder but, sadly to no avail, since I have not had one hummingbird “customer” at the ‘diner.’ I think I am going to have post directions at the … Continue reading

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The Day We Finally See Ourselves

Dear Reader: Can you reflect back on your past and remember the benchmarks in your life when you  finally saw yourself for whom you are becoming? A person no longer afraid…a quick glimpse into the new possibilities of your life? … Continue reading

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‘Tis the Season of Mosquitoes and No-See-Ums

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning when I went out into the garden to water everything ‘real good’ (Summerville hasn’t gotten any of the late afternoon thunderstorms the past two days so the high temps and humidity have already started drooping leaves … Continue reading

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What Makes Us Happy Without…

Dear Reader: I came across a little anecdote that made me pause and re-think happiness….with and without things. The anecdote was titled: Socrates and the Market Place True philosopher that he was, Socrates believed that the wise person would instinctively … Continue reading

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When We Make Checks out to Faith

Dear Reader: I know just about every time the Ya’s and I get together the subject of money or savings come up. Since all of us retired as state employees….teachers and social workers…we all live on a limited (popular phrase- fixed) … Continue reading

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When to “P” and When Not to “P”

  Dear Reader: Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself and others around you when it comes to dialect…especially in the south. How we speak and how we spell are closely tied together. I remember helping my Uncle Herschel … Continue reading

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A True Tootsie Roll Tale of Courage

Dear Reader: Jakie’s favorite lollipop is a tootsie roll pop. When he gets on the phone with me…it is the first thing he asks if he knows I am coming over soon…”Are you bringing me a tootsie roll pop Boo … Continue reading

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Being Happy is Seeing Beyond the Imperfections

Dear Reader: We have talked many times about simplifying our lives through downsizing the space in it….rooms, houses, yards and, then, mainly the “stuff” that resides within it all. There is, however, another type of downsizing and that is simplifying … Continue reading

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“Just Breathing isn’t Living”

Dear Reader: Thursday night I was surfing channels to no avail. I had about given up hope of finding anything worth watching…when I flipped on PBS and the English version of the movie Pollyanna was just about to start on … Continue reading

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“How Very…”

Dear Reader: Why do so many people want to pick on one of my all-time favorite words….very? I remember my senior high school English teacher handing me back the first draft of my first attempt at a term paper….with lines drawn … Continue reading

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