Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looking for Fall in all the Right Places

Dear Reader: If any of you were lucky enough to watch the CBS Sunday Morning Show yesterday and stayed for the segment on Jeff “Foliage”…you have already seen some of the most beautiful fall locations in the New England states. … Continue reading

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All is Calm…All is Bright!

Dear Reader: Unlike modern-day Christmas advertising…I don’t like to jump from Halloween to Christmas. In fact Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Besides cooking the turkey…with help from guests’ side dishes….the central theme is more about gathering and re-uniting than anything … Continue reading

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A Little Encouragement Goes a L-O-N-G Way!

Dear Reader: Okay readers…Let’s “talk turkey shall we?” ( Origin and meaning of “to talk turkey”) (Speak plainly, get to the point, as in Don’t call me until you’re ready to talk turkey. This expression allegedly comes from a tale about … Continue reading

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Beauty in the Common Things – A Source of Hope

Dear Reader: When all is said and done…I think one of the greatest lessons about life we learn is that it is the common things in life that bring us the most joy. This is true of “Little Red.” It … Continue reading

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A New Month…A Clean Slate!

Dear Reader: I decided not to take any chances with this “black cloud of bad mojo” that has been hanging over my head this past month and make sure I get this month started off on the right track with … Continue reading

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I Got Spooked!

Dear Reader: This cartoon pretty much sums up my day yesterday. I don’t have time or energy to explain further  ….let’s just say it was a long, painful day which would have been pretty downright disastrous except for Harvey, Doodle, … Continue reading

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Learning to Walk by Faith, not Feeling

Dear Reader: It is really happening…”Big Red”s clone (“Little Red”) has a bud that is oh, so close to opening…a hint of red is peeking out. When Luke saw it he ran back inside to bring the whole pot to … Continue reading

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Finding Fall…Through Me…Through You

Dear Reader: Yesterday was such a lovely day. Tommy and his friend, Haynes, participated in a fundraiser golf game for one of Tommy’s golf mentors when he was learning the game back in high school…Tommy Cuthbert. Cuthbert was a Summerville … Continue reading

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An Early Welcome to November…

Dear Reader: I want to thank all of you who reassured me (through your texts and emails) that (especially here in the lowcountry)  fall has not fallen, leaves aren’t turning…autumn is waiting on me to be able to go outside. I … Continue reading

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The Day Shined Brighter…Even with the Rain

Dear Reader: The rains came down yesterday but the pain in my foot stopped while I slept Thursday night…Hallelujah! And even when Doodle helped me put on that pressure legging…it didn’t start hurting. Whew…an answer to my prayers! My day … Continue reading

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