Dear Reader:
If any of you were lucky enough to watch the CBS Sunday Morning Show yesterday and stayed for the segment on Jeff “Foliage”…you have already seen some of the most beautiful fall locations in the New England states.
*(The Ya’s have been talking about the possibility of this exact type (of fall trip) for next year… a benchmark journey for all of us. I hope it comes to fruition because I have always dreamed of this particular glorious sight-seeing adventure in my mind.)
Jeff Folger goes by the name “Jeff Foliage,” and he REALLY loves fall colors. In New England, where tourists spend around $3 billion over the course of leaf peeping season, he heads off in his red SUV in search of the most beautiful yellows and oranges and shares them with the world!
At his own expense he usually travels over 5000 miles in search of the most perfect fall scenes throughout the New England states. He, then takes a photo, puts it on his website with directions….sharing the beauty of a New England fall with anyone interested. He has been retired for about fifteen years…and this is his gift to others. He admits that plant chlorophyll probably runs through his veins instead of blood.
For about ten minutes (or however long the program segment lasted) I sat spellbound in my chair yesterday watching him talk about fall colors, leaves, and showing us some of the most beautiful locations around for finding the perfect fall photo. He had a story for every photo….his passion was felt through the video lenses.
Here are some of his photos he has taken over the years. An amazing man who has found his passion….helping others experience a New England Fall at its ultimate! So I will pay it forward… sharing some of his photos with you!
How would you like to start down this Vermont road with me to start the trip…in my imagination…my foot is well again…and I am literally skipping down it!
Our next step involves playing in the leaves…so much fun being a child again!

A single solitary golden maple tree in a field is backlit by the morning sun. The glow of the sun filtering through the leaves leaves me speechless. So take you time as drive down that counrty road because a tree like this may be just around the corner.

Beaver pond with peak fall foliage reflecting in the surface of the pond. The lonely solitude of the fall foliage reflected in the surface of the pond gives a sense of seclusion. Where the viewer almost seems to be on the side of the pond by themselves. This is Kinsman Notch and is the westrn most of the major notches in New Hampshires White Mountains. Kinsman Notch lies directly along the route of the Appalachian trail as it winds it’s way from Mount Katahdin in Maine. To locate the spot read this article:

The early morning dawn colors broke for a moment. It was fairly grey and over cast but for a short period the skys opened up just enough to let the blue sky mix with some white clouds dancing in the sky. There wasn’t even a breath of wind so the Birch Pond was a mirrored reflection of the sky and the fall foliage that lined the shoreline.
Wherever I am on this Sunday…I want to be in this church…no more beautiful place to worship God.
In my imagination this old barn has been converted to a cozy restaurant where we stop for lunch.
This is our bed and breakfast…where each morning, after a big breakfast of pancakes with maple syrup and bacon…we can walk in any direction and find God smiling down on us.
*These are just a sampling of “Foliage’s” photos….but oh, wow! How can anyone not believe in a Creator when we hold one perfect leaf with symmetrical lines of color running through it….maybe we all have some chlorophyll running through our veins….after all…aren’t we all connected to the universe? I believe so.
*I hope this link will take you to the CBS Sunday Morning video on this segment…but if for any reason you have trouble seeing the video…do google CBS Sunday Morning, November 4 and scroll down until you find this segment…you should be able to pull it easily.
So until tomorrow…if you can’t find fall visually where you live…go visit it through the eyes of others and our own imagination.
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Good Monday morning, Becky!
SO very happy to hear that your foot is “finally” healing and you’re on your way back to your old “normal.” I know this, added to the two-time theft of your car, has made for some very troubling days during your favorite month!
Saw the photos on Jeff “Foliage” and it brought me back to my (“mis-spent”) (hahaha) youth; I lived in Fairfield County, Connecticut (town of Weston) from 8th grade through my two years of junior college (in New Hampshire), so I am well-aware of the beauty of New England falls. While I now call myself a “Yankee transplant” – having lived 22 years in the beautiful state of Virginia – it is the New England falls that make me “homesick” for that area. I remember the late October many, many years ago (roughly 30 years), Bobby and I loaded up the three kids and drove all night from Newport News, VA for a spur-of-the-moment trip to visit my brother in Natick, MA. And all the smells of autumn up there just tore at my heart. I remember it so vividly – all the colors this guy Jeff “Foliage” talks about – beautiful. But, it was the autumn smells that really got to me. There is definitely a “smell” of the autumn that is different from the other seasons. At least in New England. I had never really missed being in New England until that October. Isn’t it funny how smells – and sights and sounds, of course – can just take you back?
So, my hope for you and the Ya’s is that y’all get to go to New England for some beautiful fall foliage!! It will most definitely be a trip you won’t forget!!
Hang in there and keep that foot on the mend and that your family and friends will continue to help you as needed!
Much love,
Sis….your sensory excursion made me feel I have already been on the trip….beauty beyond expression….just for the senses!
The photo’s just are breath taking and seeing them in person may really do that. Down here our colors just forgrt to pop like that. But we take what we have and are thankful .
Did you feel the mini earthquake that hit your area yesterday. Kinda scary. They say we may feel one someday too.
No…I didn’t feel it….My daughter Mandy called and asked if I did…the dog Tigger and Eva Cate felt it…but they were the only ones…it only registered like a 2.2 or something…but still we don’t want mother earth rocking and rolling…because one of the worst earthquakes in American history did take place here right outside Summerville/Charleston….don’t want to wake that kind of earthquake up again.
Beautiful pictures. Glad to read that the foot is healing. I marvel at your ability to stay positive and keep us all informed and sharing in your life. Thanks a lot.
So good to hear from y’all! It has been awhile and when you have commented I haven’t always been able to respond in due time….hopefully this is all beginning to change as the prognosis is looking brighter and the foot less painful. Thanks for staying in my life….I am glad for the company down my path. Love, Becky “Boo”
Becky, I haven’t been getting your stories…I would love to be back on the list!
Have you left your email address as a follower ( located on the top right of the blog) It will be sent to your email everyday at 6am- Facebook stopped carrying WordPress blogs as of August 1)
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Becky, Thank you for posting this wonderful telling of my interview. I’ve met so many wonderful people because of it. One thing you might do is add my blog address, up in the body of the text so people can find my articles as well.
Thanks for being a fan!
HI Jeff! Speaking of “wonderful” your response today just ‘made my day.’ Looking for “Fall in All the Right Places” (blog post) ended up being one of the most read posts last year. It even has some of my ole’ college roommates ready to pack up this fall and hit the road towards New England…We will definitely be looking for you!
I will certainly add youremail to the original post and also put a blurb in tomorrow’s blog about hearing from you and adding it there also. You must wake up every morning with a smile on your face…surrounded by beauty and excited travelers…many of whom have come a ‘far piece’ to see you and the leaves! What an amazing idea you had…and now you are living your dream. Congratulations! Your pictures leave me in awe! Happily, Becky