Category Archives: Uncategorized

Boo Hoo…a Challenging Day

Dear Reader: As wonderful as Wednesday was yesterday… Thursday spiraled downhill quickly. Doodle came over to help change and pack the wound (Thank you God for her and her strong constitution to yucky things)…my wonderful nurse Bobbie had walked us … Continue reading

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We Need the Gardener’s Care

Dear Reader: What a difference a day makes! My first incoming message, yesterday morning, was from wonderful Stephanie, my Horace Mann agent, who informed me my settlement check would arrive Friday by Fed-Ex. Now I have something to look forward … Continue reading

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A Quiet Lesson from Nature at Autumn

Dear Reader: I loved this picture of a beautiful fall setting along a path that reveals a light at the end of the tunnel. *I needed to see that photo today. I will have to admit that yesterday was not one … Continue reading

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“I Smell Wood Burning”

Dear Reader: Last weekend, a home adjacent to mine, had a bonfire burning brightly one evening. I remember it was one of those first cool evenings, but not too cool not to still have the windows open. Suddenly I smelled … Continue reading

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We Don’t Always Need to “Get It” (Life) to Get It

Dear Reader: Have you ever felt like you just don’t “get” certain situations in life? In fact life, itself, is mostly a puzzle that (no matter how many pieces you find or add) never completes the picture? If we look … Continue reading

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Boo and the Confederate Rose Will Rise Again!

Dear Reader: Saturday morning I ventured out on the back deck and stared across my garden…at first I was a little saddened…many of the plants looked dry and thirsty, a little wilted…a condition that in my normal state I would … Continue reading

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The Beauty of Giving Back

Dear Reader: These days when I look back on old photos…extending past a decade at least… I wonder why I always always felt inadequate in the confidence department growing up and throughout my early adult years. When I gaze (from … Continue reading

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Faith Doesn’t Come in a One-Size Fits All Package

Dear Reader: While reading an article on one person’s perception of different kinds of spiritual temperaments….traditionalists, naturalists, activists, intellectuals, caregivers…solitude and simplistic faith followers…One fact arises…we don’t all have to worship the same way. God wants us to worship according … Continue reading

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Being Vulnerable Makes Us Stronger

Dear Reader: What a fun day yesterday was….filled with friends, conversation, and laughter…just what the doctor ordered! Susan Cadwell stopped by first to tell me that her house in Conway sold the day after she put up her For Sale … Continue reading

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…”Hang-ups Can Happen to You”

Dear Reader: Do you think it is just human nature that provides some sort of delusional protective veil around our presence… that reassures us that the bad things we see on television or the internet or hear on the radio … Continue reading

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