Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looking for the Real “Gems” in Life

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all heard people say things like “He’s a gem of a person” or perhaps “It was a lucky day when he married that gem of a wife.” We also use the term in sports … as … Continue reading

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Following Our Faith isn’t Always Safe

Dear Reader: * I thought finding this Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower blooming yesterday after a record breaking overnight freeze….(still fighting to stay alive and be seen)…was (nothing short of a miracle) and the perfect symbol for the stories of famous men … Continue reading

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We Can’t Run…We Can’t Hide!

Dear Reader: Yesterday afternoon Susan invited me over to see her new home and celebrate my nephew Lee’s birthday! It was a lot of fun…Bekah and Ady were just coming back from a swim meet in Savannah and timed it … Continue reading

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“Common Sense isn’t Faith…Faith isn’t Common Sense”

Dear Reader: Isn’t it interesting how we can come across a thought like “Ezekiel’s Vision about Wheels within a Wheel” (as happened to me by going to Hobby Lobby to look for a suitable hearth wall hanging)…and then suddenly ‘wheels within wheels” … Continue reading

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Is it Time to “Soften” Up Some?

Dear Reader: I can still remember as a child wondering how someone’s heart grows hard. Can someone’s heart really turn to stone and if so, what happens then? These were the kinds of questions that plagued me as a child … Continue reading

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Meeting the “Sun” Halfway

Dear Reader: I have to admit when I stopped by one of the Summerville nurseries in the midst of decorating the porch for Christmas I was looking for more ‘Christmasy plants’ than the owner’s recommended two dwarf “Firepower” nandinas. (*I … Continue reading

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“Wheels Within Wheels”…

Dear Reader: Since Christmas I have been staring at a large, blank orange wall wondering what to do differently with it decoratively….since the old dried flower arrangements looked pretty pitiful after a decade or more and the large key was … Continue reading

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The Many Sides of Character and What It Can Deliver

Dear Reader: My  favorite  little “character” statue in the garden is Bliss. She never fails to make me smile… with her arms outstretched ( little birds sitting on them) while she stares up into the sunlight and a world of … Continue reading

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The Mysterious Wind of God

Dear Reader: I love the bushes Mary Lee, pew neighbor at church, gave me for my garden. I wish I could remember the name but these bushes turn the most beautiful orange color in late fall and winter…the cold seems … Continue reading

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Waiting on the “Book Keeper”

Dear Reader: I read the most beautiful piece of prose over the weekend…something I wish I would have memorized, or at least   had available (to use as an guide) when all my children were out of school and dating … Continue reading

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