Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Camellia and Candle Day

Dear Reader: Yesterday was such a wonderful  “comfort food” kind of day. Actually I did go with friends to Cracker Barrel for some great home cooking…(or as close to as possible if you don’t want to home cook.) I woke … Continue reading

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Character First…Circumstance Second

Dear Reader: I returned for my weekly Friday morning appointment yesterday at the Comprehensive Wound Center. And guess what? It wasn’t raining…this is the third Friday since I started going for treatments in mid-October that it hasn’t rained! Hallelujah! Finally… … Continue reading

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Around the Bend…

*(Original Painting- Anne Peterson) Dear Reader: How many times in life have we felt like we are being swept along a raging river… unable to stop or slow down the currents forcing us around unknown bends after bends… while hanging … Continue reading

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The Weaver of Surprising Endings

Dear Reader: It never ceases to amaze me how far-sighted God’s vision is…while we think a terrible episode in our lives is the end of life as we know it …God knows it is just a stepping stone to the … Continue reading

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Ripples of Kindness…

(Gratitude Dear Reader: It never ceases to amaze me how one small act of kindness can continue long past its initial endeavor… simply through another act of kindness that  keeps the ripple going. I shared with you, earlier, the … Continue reading

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OH, the Land of Possibilities Awaits…

Dear Reader: Saturday when Eva Cate and I went to the Southern Living store…it was having its big January sale with everything half off. When I saw this linen dish towel (title photo)…I just had to have it. It sums … Continue reading

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Visualizing Hope in the New Year

Dear Reader: Have you ever thought what “hope” would look like if you could turn it into an image…realistic or symbolic….it doesn’t matter…just the image in your mind. Eva Cate and I got to the movies early Saturday for the … Continue reading

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“We Can’t Lose What Was Never Lost”

  Dear Reader: Yesterday I finally got to go see Mary Poppins Returns…I had been wanting to go throughout the holidays. I was waiting on Eva Cate to be able to go and finally yesterday her temperature was gone and … Continue reading

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Our “Blue Marble” Home

Dear Reader: It is hard to believe that this first “Blue Marble” photo of Earth was taken December 21, 1968….fifty years ago. It changed our whole visual perspective on this planet we call home….this ‘blue marble’ floating in the inky … Continue reading

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We Rise by Lifting Others

Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange how burdens, over time, become some of our fondest memories? Sometimes the most difficult stages in our lives produce some of the most magical moments…moments we would never have had if it weren’t for the … Continue reading

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