Category Archives: Uncategorized

“We Can’t Shine if We Don’t Fill our Lamps”

Dear Reader: “You know you can’t shine if you don’t fill your lamp.” Another platitude from Grandmother Wilson…she didn’t use it as a spiritual metaphor (though certainly it fits several scriptural verses)…but as a way of telling my brothers and … Continue reading

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“I Love You This Much God”

Dear Reader: We made it through January…always a difficult month….still paying for Christmas…starting to work on taxes…usually our coldest weather in the lowcountry…simply… a  l-o-n-g month in more ways than one. But we did it! Today is the first day … Continue reading

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“We’re Having a Left-Overs Blog Post Day”

Dear Reader: Sometimes we just need to stop and clean out the refrigerator by eating left-overs we have put in there over several days. (When living alone this can happen a lot.) Tonight will be a left-over dinner but as … Continue reading

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Our “Disconnect” From Whom We Are…a Part of Nature

Dear Reader: Guess who I heard from yesterday? Jeff “Foliage” …who shows wide-eyed tourists where to find the best New England fall leaves each autumn. More about this at the bottom of the post…but here is his email address that … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Whether we share some Irish blood in us or not we are all familiar with the phrase “The luck of the Irish.” Since I am part Irish and part Scottish…I must get my luck from the Irish side … Continue reading

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A “Vignette” of a Thought about Hills and Valleys

Dear Reader: An expression we have to get used to in our society….sometimes as a joke at 30, especially 40, and from then on just whenever it pops up on a cake…usually on a candle in the shape of a … Continue reading

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The Face of God Reflected in Us

Dear Reader: Max Lucado  shares a free sample from one of  his books titled Because of Bethlehem, Every day a Christmas, Every Heart a Manger.  In it the sample contains an anecdote that touched me and brought home once again how … Continue reading

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The Spiritual Legacy Behind the “Wise Old Owl”

Dear Reader: I adored my first grade teacher. Her name was Miss Walker and she had just graduated from college. We were her (first) first grade class. She was young and pretty, kind and sweet…what every first grade teacher should … Continue reading

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Simple Sentiments

Dear Reader: I remember a long time ago being advised to always keep a notebook and pen/pencil in the car with me because our best ideas come when we are driving somewhere. How true that observation is. Since “Surcie” is … Continue reading

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Are We Really Ever “Under the Circumstances?”

Dear Reader: Tuesday was a benchmark closure day for me. I had to complete one last thing to get my old license plate (that I loved so much I wanted to keep) updated so “Surcie” would be a legal vehicle … Continue reading

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