Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy Harvest and Halloween Homemade Decorations

Dear Reader: We are down by now to our last day in Maine…so many places left to go, so little time…but I know I have fallen in love with Maine and all it has to offer. It might be small … Continue reading

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South Carolina’s Own Headless Horseman

Dear Reader: As a child I remember waiting all week for the Disney Sunday evening program to begin and in October that meant the return of “The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow”…along with Icabod Crane. I always kept a blanket around … Continue reading

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Origin of Expressions about Twinkling Eyes

Dear Reader: While you are reading this…we are into our second day in Maine…we have several planned spots (on our itinerary to visit)…but we have decided to just let the stars, metaphorically, guide us. If something catches our “eye” we … Continue reading

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Living on the “Wild Side”

Dear Reader: While browsing through one of my favorite books, The To-Be List, co-authors, Randall and Walter, selected “Be Wild” as one of the “being” categories of feelings we should experience in life. The message wasn’t suggesting everyone live on the … Continue reading

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Highlight the Beauty Within the Ordinary

Dear Reader: While flipping through a magazine in one of my medical appointment waiting rooms…I came across an article talking about a style of life / decorating known as “Wabi-Sabi.” It is a Japanese term/expression that encourages “us to appreciate … Continue reading

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Summerville….”A Plethora of Petals”

Dear Reader: I was  happy to see an unexpected vine dangling a gorgeous cobalt-colored morning glory’s petals (the other morning)… down from the top of the fence. It looked like an artist had added the beautiful bloom at the last … Continue reading

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Finding the “MORE” in “There’s More to Life.”

Dear Reader: When I saw these three pretty purple Mexican petunias blooming one morning I thought about the three guiding principles in my own life…Spirit, Faith, and Heart. The spirit of God leads me every day through tests of faith … Continue reading

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A Lesson in Sharing… with Corn

  Dear Reader: A few days ago I read a most wonderful, thought-provoking article on the power of sharing…using corn as the example. I will never look at corn exactly the same again. (Resource: Awakin Weekly: “My Neighbor’s Corn“…by Naren … Continue reading

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These Swirling Days of Random Thoughts…Anticipation!

Dear Reader: In the excitement of getting ready for my Maine trip I find myself scattering thoughts behind me like squirrels randomly scattering acorns. I have started  several different endeavors- getting halfway through them before starting something else like…half-packing my … Continue reading

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Birthdays Are Never About the Candles

Dear Reader: Yesterday I got this birthday card from Marcia…and it had the perfect  message inside…a good reminder to all of us: Birthdays aren’t about counting candles, but about counting every happiness in your life. The more I thought about … Continue reading

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