Category Archives: Uncategorized

Aschenputtel…The German Cinderella

Dear Reader: The Brothers Grimm ‘s  fairy tales were never originally written for children but as a way of preserving Germanic folktales/heritage amid the Napoleonic Wars… when France conquered many Germanic lands. The brothers wanted to make sure that German … Continue reading

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“And a Little Child Shall Lead Them”

Dear Reader: I have always been intrigued by this one verse of scripture: Isaiah 11:6 “The wolf  also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and … Continue reading

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Happiness is Only Achieved by Sharing

Dear Reader: If you want to see where Disney got its idea for the first animated Disney castles… starting with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and especially Cinderella…look no farther than Bavaria and the Neuschwanstein Castle. It is the most visited … Continue reading

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First came the Goats…then the Reindeer

Dear Reader: If you are thinking this might be a strange time to hear about a Scandinavian Christmas folklore story…look around you…especially at the stores…drug stores, retail stores…any kind of store…and you will find Christmas in abundance. Halloween and Thanksgiving … Continue reading

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Butterflies, Children, and Gardens…They are Worth the Wait!

Dear Reader: As I look back on my life…particularly the years raising Mandy, Walsh, and Tommy…I understand now that growing a garden and raising a family are quite similar…both a metaphor of the beauty and challenges of daily life that … Continue reading

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Thank You for Your Grace

Dear Reader: The other day, artist and workshop creator, Kelly Rae Roberts was sending out information to purchasers of a “You and Self-Kindness” course she had written. It would consist of 30 emails with different activities to do (over the … Continue reading

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The “Unity” in Community

Dear Reader: How can I even begin to thank all of you for your cards, comments, texts, Facebook Happy Birthday greetings…I felt like Queen for the Day! Joan Turner had attached this picture (above) to her birthday greeting and I … Continue reading

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The Beautiful ABC’s of Autumn

Dear Reader: Well today is finally my “official” birthday…I decided to throw my arms wide open this morning and just accept my big benchmark new decade number with a smile! To be honest…between new chemo treatments and my foot surgery … Continue reading

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Fickle Fall Has Arrived

Dear Reader: Just as the official fall season arrives this morning…our temperatures are on the climb again…mid-to high 80’s…but they aren’t just stopping there; before the week is out the 90’s might pop back out again. Such is fickle fall … Continue reading

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Maine…”Down East” or “Downeast”or “DownEast” (Pick One!)

Dear Reader: Friday afternoon I had a call from Anne after she had finished fiddling with both of her bands…one at the Veterans Victory House  and one at Round ‘O…it had been a busy weekend.  Anne had just started reading … Continue reading

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