Category Archives: Uncategorized

…”The Trick or Tree?”

Dear Reader: Isn’t it curious how life imitates art and art imitates life? I see this more and more as I grow older…one of the perks, I suppose, of living a life-time filled with many different experiences. I enjoy adding … Continue reading

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Winnie and Ralph….”Great Minds Think Alike”

Dear Reader: Every day since the blog began in August 2010…the post has ended with “Today is my favorite day“- Winnie the Pooh. After all these years I never tire of typing the final daily farewell message…because it is true…Every … Continue reading

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We Should Fill Our Life With Experiences…Not Things

Dear Reader: It is such a testimony to the human spirit how quickly we can adapt to new surroundings and daily changes. Children are the best at it…but I was telling my “Ya” friends how quickly I felt right at … Continue reading

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Maine, Lowcountry…October…a Ride on the Wild Side

Dear Reader: Maine is a parody of calm, pastoral farming fields and wild, crazy sea coasts filled with turbulent waters and jagged rocks…it has something for everyone. For me…just seeing rocks was amazing! There are no natural rocks in the … Continue reading

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Fall was Falling and Food was Rising…Above all Expectations!

Dear Reader: Autumn continues to call nature to start planting seeds and letting go of its leaves. I spent the last two days in Mt. Pleasant helping Mandy with the children while John was at a meeting in Florida. A … Continue reading

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Another “Philadelphia Story”

Dear Reader: A short break from Maine today. Anne and I discovered the most innovative endeavor inside the Philly International Airport. When we arrived there Friday morning from Portland…for once we actually had time to explore….about a two hour interval … Continue reading

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Moose, Mooses, or Meese? My Quest to Find One!

Dear Reader: In my search for the slippery, elusive moose…I first asked what the plural of moose was….(my first thought was moose again)…moose being one of those “irregular” nouns like fish, sheep, pants,  etc. that stay the same. We called … Continue reading

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It Started and Ended in Portland

Dear Reader: Even though the quaint small hamlets and villages in Maine really spoke to my heart…I also fell in love with Portland. A city, yes, but not as big as Charleston, with so much nautical history behind it…which includes … Continue reading

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Maine: A Treasure Chest of Mystery and Wonder

Dear Reader: We are back and… even more unexpectedly….Philly’s sun was out bright and shining yesterday…no delays…*In fact if we had taken the Charlotte flight back, like we did going, our flight would have been cancelled due to bad weather. … Continue reading

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Heading Home…Packed My Memories…Leaving Spruce and Fir for Pine…and that’s Fine!

Dear Reader: Today on our way home we stop in Philly to change planes…say a prayer there are no thunder storms in late October so we can break the curse! 🙂 Home is calling…so good to get away…so good to … Continue reading

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