Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Are We There Yet?”

Dear Reader: With Theodosia the Gardening Toad getting the front door place of honor this Easter (see yesterday’s title picture)…the old garden bunny is getting the back door for his “hang-out“place…I decorated the back door yesterday with the palm frond … Continue reading

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A New Look at Easter Traditions This Year

Dear Reader: Necessity is the “Mother of Invention.” I wanted to add something different to my spring/Easter wreath on my front door, especially since I needed my bunny for another decorating spot. I sat down in my recliner (where I … Continue reading

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Listen to Your Elders…Been There, Done That…

Dear Reader: Most of us at this stage of the quarantine are slowly making transitions we didn’t think possible… even a couple of weeks ago. It hasn’t been easy, by a long shot, particularly for families with children at home, … Continue reading

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The Symbol of the “Trouble Tree” in our Lives

  Dear Reader: It has become a ritual for me these days to walk in my garden in the late afternoon or early evening before darkness falls. Each time I feel myself drawn to the “Swamp Maple” that Lisa (Hollow … Continue reading

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Never Stop Believing in “Happily Ever After”

Dear Reader: Spoiler Alert: We are going to get through this and we will be wiser, more compassionate and more contented with what we have…and yes…happier than ever…(after.) There is a deep satisfaction in making do with what one has…when … Continue reading

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Finding That Constant Within Us…

Dear Reader: Dr. Wayne Dyer, popular author and presenter, started his presentation, on occasion, with an orange. He asked the audience or (sometimes) a particular person in the audience to tell him what would happen if he squeezed the orange….what … Continue reading

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Unclinching Our Fists…to Find Our Word, Our Way

Dear Reader: Don’t we associate newborns and little babies with their tiny fists coming into the world…as if they know intuitively life is a struggle…might as well get ready? Doctors explain the phenomenon as a primitive gesture found in human … Continue reading

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How We Remember this Time depends on how We decide to Live it!

Dear Reader: If there were one word that sums up how we lived our life…( by the end of it)…it would be “CHOICE.”  Love, hope, faith, laughter, and compassion all come into play certainly, but only if we make the … Continue reading

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Hope and Love aren’t Closed or Cancelled

Dear Reader: I spent most of yesterday outside…and it is the best cure-all for everything. It was still pretty warm but there was a nice breeze…the blue, blue skies against that special “new green” on oak trees is simply breathtaking. … Continue reading

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The Lesson of the Magnolia

Dear Reader: During these quarantined, isolated times we are all figuring out what we can’t do or where we shouldn’t go….but it is also leaving us plenty of time to do things we have put off… seemingly forever. One of … Continue reading

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