Category Archives: Uncategorized

Becoming Who We Were Meant to Be- By Rolling Up Our Sleeves

Dear Reader: At a certain point in our lives…don’t we finally recognize that we have grown closer to whom we have been deep down inside… all our lives? It has just taken us enough life experiences to identify it? Crises … Continue reading

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The Happiness “Fickle” Dilemma

Dear Reader: Isn’t it frustrating that happiness is so elusive…sometimes it arrives in bulk and spills over into our whole day, then other times it appears for only minutes and then dissipates when we let negative news chase it away. … Continue reading

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Trust in Abundance

Dear Reader: Whenever I glance at my Kelly rae Roberts clock…I have to smile. I have been a fan of her whimsical art for years and by now have accumulated storytelling wall hanging figurines and engagement planners over the years…just … Continue reading

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“Wake to the Choices You Make…as how to Live Now”

Dear Reader: As mind-boggling as the scary news continues to be in this country over this rapidly growing coronavirus pandemic… I have, also, begun to realize that if we can  readjust our mindset to living each moment of each day … Continue reading

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“We’re In This Together”

Dear Reader: You have noticed, no doubt, that I love Natural Life’s “chirps” or little motivational messages you can sign up for and have pop up everyday…which I did and do.  I decided to take time yesterday and find out … Continue reading

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Give Yourself a ‘Five-Minute Miracle’ Every Day

Dear Reader: With more people home than ever before…families have more time together than ever before too. Before the pandemic…experts put American family time together (on a daily basis) as averaging only 37 minutes. 37 minutes!!!! You might have seen … Continue reading

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A World of Hope…

Dear Reader: I don’t know how many of you watched the CBS Sunday Morning Show yesterday morning but if you did…you know it ended with Sunday’s guest host, Lee Cowan, reading an essay that put chills down my back, tears … Continue reading

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Be Someone Who Makes Some Else Look Forward to Tomorrow

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a special day…in lots of ways. Since I love creative challenges Mandy and I thought through a way to have a small get-together for Lachlan’s birthday…just him and his cousin, Mandy’s son…Jake. (The original plan yesterday … Continue reading

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Today I Will Not Stress Over Things I Can’t Control

Dear Reader: My life is changing..subtly but changing. For one thing I am cooking again…yes you heard me correctly…the “Boo” is cooking! I mean meat, potatoes, and veggies dinners…meat and pasta, chicken and rice and veggie casseroles. When restaurants were … Continue reading

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“There’s More to Life…”

Dear Reader: On mother’s side of the family, the Wilsons, everyone had the same favorite advice cliche that could be used for many different situations… You knew it was coming when a grandparent, uncle, aunt, or mother started out with … Continue reading

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