Category Archives: Uncategorized

A New Day…A New Way!

Dear Reader: As much as I try to convince myself that I am not “into” technology and have mixed feelings about its use and direct correlations on many escalating social problems like bullying…I must confess we are at a point … Continue reading

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I Will Try Again Tomorrow

  Dear Reader: Yesterday the computer gremlins came and attacked my iPhone and desktop computer…just one of those strange days when everything goes wacky for awhile. I did all I knew to do…. finally around midnight unplugging everything and letting … Continue reading

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Secret Anniversaries of the Heart…Make Time for Them

  ( Autumn Daydreams- Michelle Dunaway) Dear Reader: “What a day for a day dream….what a day for a day dreaming gal.” The Lovin’ Spoonful clarified what my yesterday was all about…memories. When we look back on our past…it is easier, usually, … Continue reading

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“I Am What You Make Me; Nothing More” (NATIONAL FLAG DAY)

Dear Reader: Of all the historical quotes that have moved me as a history teacher and citizen of this country…I don’t think any have touched me as much as one quote from a relatively unknown cabinet member under President Woodrow … Continue reading

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“Everything is Good With My Heart”

Dear Reader: I re-ordered a book, recently, that I read several years ago because I was purposefully looking for an imprinted passage (from my memory) that I, personally, wanted to write down and save for a special occasion one day. … Continue reading

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We Are Our Happy Place…

Dear Reader: Over the years I have taken you many places, along with me on the blog journey, and announced to you that “This was my happy place.” It might have been the refurbished den, my new deck, the finished … Continue reading

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Listening with Eyes that Watch the Stars

Dear Reader: I was reading an article on Sagamore Hill, Theodore Roosevelt’s private home, in which he proclaimed the day before he died (January 6, 1919) “I wonder if you will ever know how I love Sagamore Hill.” From 1901 to … Continue reading

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Learning Life’s Most Important Lessons from my Garden

Dear Reader: As I walked through my garden yesterday morning (following torrential rains Monday afternoon) some flowers looked a little beat down but most were smiling happily back at me…their thirst quenched from the heavy rains. All I could think … Continue reading

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Working with What We’ve Got

Dear Reader: When Warren G. Harding ran for President, in 1920, he ran on the slogan “Return to Normalcy”….to the pre-World War I days and get the economy back on track from the loss of the war economic boom. Unfortunately … Continue reading

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Always Leave the Light On

Dear Reader: Isn’t there something so comforting about seeing a light burning in front of a home…perhaps on the porch…or a light inside a window at night. The first thoughts that follow these sightings are…home, comfort, security, and love. For … Continue reading

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