Category Archives: Uncategorized

Winging Our Way Through Life with Hope and a Prayer

Dear Reader: The other day as I watched a butterfly flittering through the garden…it was like watching a pinball machine being played. Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.. as it darted among the plants.  From my swing I followed it … Continue reading

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Every Day Miracles

Dear Reader: Sometimes it is the smallest miracles that have the greatest impact. Thursday afternoon it started to drizzle and I had not checked the mail yet so I hurried, across the street, to the mail box. As I was … Continue reading

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Finding Order During Chaotic Times

Dear Reader: We don’t have to turn on our televisions, computers, radios, smart phones, etc. to know that we, as global people, are going through some seriously tough times. President Truman, with his Missouri dry wit, explained the volatile economy … Continue reading

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RELAX…We’re All Crazy…It’s Not a Competition

Dear Reader: Being human is being crazy…it goes with the territory. We live in a crazy world that lately has gotten a lot crazier. Yet crazy doesn’t have to mean wacko, bonkers, cuckoo, batty, nutty, screwy or just plain out … Continue reading

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Kindness and Longevity go Hand in Hand

Dear Reader: Have you ever considered that the personality and conduct of a person go hand in hand with their life experiences…which, in turn, either add up to longevity through kindness or are shortened by negative thoughts and behaviors ruled … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: I think I got a God Wink through St. Francis of Assisi yesterday in my garden…because I just experienced one of the proudest moments surrounding my home town… while driving through down town. As I stared at what … Continue reading

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…”Make me an Instrument of your Peace”

Dear Reader: Yesterday I needed my garden sanctuary more than I have in a long time. Charleston, along, with Columbia, Myrtle Beach, Greenville, and other cities experienced different forms of protests on Saturday ignited by the murder of George Floyd … Continue reading

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How It All Came to Be…Blog Happy!

Dear Reader: As the tenth anniversary of the creation of my blog ( grows closer …August 7 , 2010 (to be exact) memories are starting to crack open the flood gate of yesterdays. It is hard to believe that it … Continue reading

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How Did You Use Your Time?

Dear Reader: Have you considered (when all is said and done…and all the slogans about staying home have disappeared from the media and our culture with the final disappearance of the coronavirus)…what you will say was your greatest accomplishment during … Continue reading

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If Looking for Your True “Self”…Show Gratitude First

Dear Reader: In the title painting above…an artist has imagined what a global village would look like in a parallel life. I could get lost (and did for several minutes) looking at all the continents in this whimsical world. Jo … Continue reading

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