Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Secret of a Fulfilled Life…Friendship

Dear Reader: An article I was skimming recently contained a fascinating Harvard study that lasted eight decades..until the participants were well into old age… It tracked 200 men for 80 years and, based on their findings, concluded  that what matters … Continue reading

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World Emoji Day….Smile, Frown, Laugh, Cry…

Dear Reader: Yesterday I was watching a cooking show and the instructors announced that it was World Emoji Day…(Actually the show must have been taped early and then shown early because World Emoji Day is tomorrow…Friday, July 17!) However, since … Continue reading

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The Nostalgic Scent of Freshly Cut Grass

Dear Reader: Aren’t there just some scents that linger from our childhoods into our present-day lives… bringing such pleasurable memories with them? One of the saddest side effects for some people, affected with COVID19, is the sudden loss of taste … Continue reading

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The Past, Present, and Hopefully Future of Snail Mail

Dear Reader: There are some things I consider “sacred” to me… and the post office, my “magnolia” mailbox Mandy painted for me, and the memories of handwritten messages within that box… are all included in that term. Right before I, … Continue reading

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Let’s Roll With It!

Dear Reader: My son-in-law (John)’s favorite expression is “That’s how we roll.” It usually follows a compliment I have given him about a cook-out he has put on or a surprise…he comes back with “That’s how we roll around here, Boo.” … Continue reading

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The Prayer Tree Garden of Blowing Rock, North Carolina

  Dear Reader: When Walsh, Mollie, and family were in the mountains last week…they spent one afternoon strolling through the quaint little mountain town of Blowing Rock. It was there that Mollie sent me a video of the Prayer Tree … Continue reading

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Help America Find its Sense of Humor Again…

Dear Reader: Don’t we all wish we could bring the hilarious “big guns” of comedy back to life right now when our country needs humor desperately in our lives? Especially the Queen of Suburban  Housewives and Common Sense…Erma Bombeck! How … Continue reading

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Plants Give Us Universal Energy

Dear Reader: The nicest thing about having a garden…is that over time, with added plants for different seasons, even parts of seasons…like early spring or late spring, early summer or late summer….one gets to enjoy something new popping up throughout … Continue reading

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The Delicate Balance of Life

Dear Reader: I have never given much thought to horoscopes and the signs of the Zodiac…except as light entertainment if the daily horoscope just happened to match my day or wish….but one thing I am pretty confident of…I am definitely … Continue reading

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What Did You Do With Your Day?

Dear Reader: Sunday evening…as the Dingle family was getting settled in their rental mountain cabin in  Elk Banner, NC…Eloise was being drawn to the skies. The sun is going down…there is a white streak cutting through the sky…I imagine some … Continue reading

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