Category Archives: Uncategorized

Understanding That “Nothing” is Something

Dear Reader: I was, admittedly, at one time the clutter queen. Everything around me was full of something…and most of those somethings were useless…just taking up space. I must have driven mother nuts…since she was just the opposite…she was a … Continue reading

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It’s Time for More “Moodling”!

Dear Reader: Don’t we (or at least) we know of… people who spend so much of their lives…talking about how ‘one day they are going to do this or that’ or “change their life…if  they ever can find the time.’ … Continue reading

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A “Gilded Lily”…Not Necessary But So Appreciated!

Dear Reader: I have heard the expression “Gilding the lily” but was never quite sure what it meant. I decided to research the expression and discovered that the eytymology of the phrase… has been altered from its first original line … Continue reading

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“Don’t Worry…Be Happy!”

Dear Reader: Only, we humans, have the ambiguous “luxury” of worrying. Animals know, instinctively, that there is no security in life and thus live it moment to moment… with little thought to the future. (unless “squirreling away nuts!) 🙂 Whereas … Continue reading

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“Did You Have Fun Growing Old?”

Dear Reader: I am presently reading a delightful novel by Susan Wiggs, one of my favorite summer go-to-authors. Her latest book, The Lost and Found Bookshop is perhaps my favorite. The story is about starting over…and the enduring question in-point … Continue reading

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Rich in the Every Day of Life

(Thoreau’s Cabin in the Woods…On Walden Pond-Artist-Don Barne) Dear Reader: My senior year in high school…I either took an extra elective course or perhaps signed up for  some kind of club…but it was an extra literary look at the great … Continue reading

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Feeling Down? Try Something New!

Dear Reader: My love of reading grew out of my uncertain childhood following my father’s death and my mother’s hand amputation… due to bone cancer. I just remember always hearing adults talk softly around my brothers and me if mother’s … Continue reading

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Splitting One’s Time Between Sleeping and Waking

  Dear Reader: Recently…I was skimming through a short biographical “info” page (on an author) located at the back of the book. It was telling about the author’s hobbies and interests. Then, suddenly, it ended with this observation: “She divides … Continue reading

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Tales and Adventures of Morning Glories and Honeysuckle

Dear Reader: This is the first year I didn’t have two big barrels of morning glories…already climbing fence trellis… that I would buy each spring at Ace Hardware. (But then no one expected COVID either…and not being able to go … Continue reading

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“Petal It Forward”

Dear Reader: I decided today that I would do a “mini”  “Petal it Forward” by giving my newest neighbor Mary…some fresh flowers from the garden. She has been working so hard in her yard, she has added on a back … Continue reading

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