Category Archives: Uncategorized

My Favorite Hiding Place….The Garden!

Dear Reader: So glad it has “cooled” off somewhat here the last day or two. (Of course cool/heat are relative terms… depending on where you live in this country during the summer time…the low country is not just hot…it is … Continue reading

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Let There Be Peace on Earth

Dear Reader: I think I remember telling you about my Ya friend, Libby, who has given the rest of us Ya’s the gift of music to help us through this pandemic. She selects a song and then surprises us with … Continue reading

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When in Doubt…Yell “Rabbit!”

Dear Reader: I hope everyone had a marvelous Fourth! Mine was just like Vickie, my neighbor, expressed when she texted me a message from a friend of hers that she loved and forwarded it on to me. It was perfectly … Continue reading

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Grandpa Charlie’s Biscuits-His All-American Favorite Food

Dear Reader: I wish I could say I remember my Granddaddy Wilson…You have heard me refer to Grandmother Wilson many times with her wits of wisdom and common sense approach to life…She was the one who also helped raise me … Continue reading

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Take Time for a Slow “Mojo” Day…You Deserve It!

Dear Reader: Just before I headed over to Vickie’s beautiful back garden to feed Sweet Fuzz (the cat I am babysitting) her breakfast and pour some clean cool water in her bowl…something caught my eye in my own back yard … Continue reading

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Life Imitating Art…Letting Creativity Flourish at Home

Dear Reader: I had two green mountain apples the other day and was just about to place them in a hanging fruit basket in the kitchen…when suddenly I remembered how pretty the shadows were on the side garden fence with … Continue reading

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Suspension of Time, Space, and Water

Dear Reader: If you are like me doesn’t this period of coronavirus time feel like we are suspended in space and time just waiting to settle…but not sure where? Do you remember perhaps, as a child, making a craft ocean … Continue reading

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What Would Summer Be…Without Tomatoes?

Dear Reader: We have all heard the expression “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” but I am of the belief that the round red fruit (and vegetable) we need to eat for our health is tomatoes…juicy red tomatoes! … Continue reading

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No Day is the Same

Dear Reader: Life fascinates me…no matter how many pine trees are in a forest… none are exactly alike upon closer inspection. Ask any parents of multiples births…(their children might be physically “identical” twins, triplets, quads, etc.) but each one’s emotional … Continue reading

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History Repeats Itself in Board Games

  Dear Reader: It is interesting to realize… if we ever take time to research the history behind many famous children and adult board games… that there is a common core stemming from their origins. They all emerged from challenging … Continue reading

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