Category Archives: Uncategorized

What a Crazy Messy Wonderful Year!

Dear Reader: This cute Christmas card came in the mail yesterday…it had a picture attached of an adorable family…it was from Suzanne, one of Mandy’s room-mates when she was single. She now has two cute little boys about the same … Continue reading

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The Truth Behind Holiday Traditions

Dear Reader: Monday, StoryWorth, asked me to remember some of my family’s Christmas traditions. I started out my response by defining traditions as “heirlooms” comprised of sweet memories passed down from one generation to the next. Initially we might consider … Continue reading

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Thanksgiving, Traditions, and Tigger

Dear Reader: I have to admit that the initial excitement about the ride up to Lake Toxaway last Wednesday, for the holidays, was diminished by Tigger’s passing just hours before we left. I kept my sunglasses on for more than … Continue reading

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A “Lodge” Holiday Getaway

Dear Reader: When Tommy, Kaitlyn, and I left last Wednesday for Lake Toxaway for Thanksgiving we had no idea… that we would get a peek at Christmas too…two holidays for one! It was a fabulous get-away…my eyes were full of … Continue reading

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Past, Present, and Memories

Dear Reader: Little did I know back on my birthday, in September, when Kaitlyn first mentioned returning to Lake Toxaway for Thanksgiving that this dream would actually come to fulfillment. I knew nothing of the amazing history behind the Greystone … Continue reading

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The Hills Are Alive…With the Sound of Music

Dear Reader: Every time I look out over the mountains each morning…I half expect to see Julie Andrews appearing at the top of the knoll… singing as loudly as I remember it the first time I saw the Sound of … Continue reading

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Kindness Should Always Be Our Legacy

Dear Reader: If you are like me…this Thanksgiving has sent me down memory lane more times than I can remember. For one thing I have such mixed emotions. For some…Thanksgiving is staying about the same…but for many others…it has changed … Continue reading

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Embellishing Stories Can Backfire

Dear Reader: Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has arrived safely today and no matter the circumstances… take time to give thanks for life and loved ones who make life worth living. As a storyteller I am fond of embellishing stories … Continue reading

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Angels on the Ground

Dear Reader: For awhile now I have been wanting to add some statues to my garden…nothing huge or ultra expensive…yet something that will last and bring me serenity looking at it…I want an angel statue. The little angel, from my … Continue reading

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Autumn’s Blessed Twilight Hours

Dear Reader: Normally around this time of year you hear people complaining about the early sunsets and encroaching darkness by late afternoon. But…perhaps not as much this year… as Rachel Hackenberger, in this excerpt from her devotional, In the Wee … Continue reading

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