Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Scary Woods of the Pandemic

Dear Reader: Anyone…child, youth, or adult who has ever watched the original Wizard of Oz.…recognizes this scene (from the movie) instantly…with the famous phrase…“Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!” On their way to find the Wizard of Oz…Dorothy and … Continue reading

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Being Thankful for Wonder and Awe

Dear Reader: I remember Thanksgiving of 2014 was an important one for me…since I had just made the decision (after much prayer) to continue writing the blog after a week’s interval of not writing . I knew I had made … Continue reading

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“Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please”

  Dear Reader: As Halloween approaches I always make sure I have lots of pumpkins…real and decorative…because following Halloween…the BOO’s have to go, the spiders, skeletons, black cats, witches, and even broomsticks….but the pleasing pumpkins decorate Thanksgiving now with corn … Continue reading

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To Gather…or Not

Dear Reader: As I was staring at my sign on the hearth – G A T H E R – that I always put up after Halloween and leave until after Thanksgiving…I started remembering all the Thanksgivings that have preceded … Continue reading

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A Memory Bridge Connecting the Blog

Dear Reader: As I was glancing at yesterday’s top news stories on my computer…a photo of a  bridge collapsed from the weight of a tree falling on it…caught my attention by its name…Poohsticks Bridge…built in 1907 and made famous by … Continue reading

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Blessed to See God in Our Daily Lives

Dear Reader: Each day as I walk through my garden and smile at a new bloom or flower peeking up from the ground…I see God. The seeds of life are under the ground and reveal themselves as God’s Handiwork. I … Continue reading

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Keep Hope Alive…

Dear Reader: Two weeks ago I bravely grabbed my lawn cutting tools and went to work on the Confederate Rose…toppling down branches that extended well above the garage/potting shed. I decided to keep the one stem that had bloomed at … Continue reading

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Make the Time

Dear Reader: The coronavirus has certainly changed many of our daily habits…thus changing our personal time-tables too. Prioritizing time is still important in life…but finding a way to keep family a top priority and close … without risking anyone’s health … Continue reading

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We Are Nature’s Greatest Miracle

Dear Reader: Isn’t it always a shock when we read something that really impresses us…only to discover that we have read that exact book passage, phrase, or message before? Time diminished the memory but not the effect on our psyche…our … Continue reading

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Pets and the Pandemic…A Difference in Coping

Dear Reader: Margot Theis Raven’s last book she wrote before passing away (from complications of breast cancer in 2014)…was interestingly enough about a little dog. It is a true story about a dog named Rags and the lives he changed … Continue reading

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