Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Metamorphosis of a Merry Christmas

    Dear Reader: Metamorphosis is defined as a change in the form or nature of a thing or person… into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. In this case… between the two photos…it is a special … Continue reading

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Finding and Following Our Special Paths

Dear Reader: Yesterday I walked into the den in time to overhear a conversation in a Christmas movie, apparently. I still don’t know the name of the show but a young child was starting to question Santa…asking her mother… “But … Continue reading

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“It Never Gets Easier…You Just Get Stronger”

Dear Reader: I remember while walking the Race for the Cure several years in a row with family and friends…the race “theme song” would begin playing loudly from the speakers around the race route, either walking or running – and that … Continue reading

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Adding “Life’s Extras” to the Manger

Dear Reader: I know it is the ‘gardener’ in me…but I happen to be of the mind that anything looks better with greenery complementing it…it just adds another dimension of ‘comfort and joy.’ So yesterday…as I began displaying the various … Continue reading

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THE Christmas Story

Dear Reader: On Christmas Eve for the past three decades I have told numerous Christmas stories at the Children’s Service…about Christmas trees of every description, animals of every type , legends for every Christmas tradition (old and new), Christmas mountain … Continue reading

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“Harmone-ous” Christmases Past

Dear Reader: This week’s StoryWorth question yesterday asked me to remember which store was my favorite growing up…or, perhaps, the one store that I remembered the most from my childhood. Immediately the three-storied Sears building in downtown Fayetteville, North Carolina popped … Continue reading

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Life Always Wins…Especially At Christmas

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all found ourselves saying ‘tried and true’ words of condolences about a friend or loved one who passes away around Christmas? We shake our heads and think…it is going to be such a sad Christmas for … Continue reading

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The Most Special Christmas Gift…Time

Dear Reader: We talk about this a lot…but the giving of time to loved ones and strangers, alike, has got to be the most precious gift of all….on any day…but especially, I think, at Christmas! Luke surprised me with his … Continue reading

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“It’s Coming…It’s Coming!” The Christmas Star is Coming!

Dear Reader: By now many of you have already heard the “good news”…The Christmas Star is destined to light up the December sky for the first time in 800 YEARS!!!! On Dec. 21, humans can witness something not seen in … Continue reading

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“I Am” Christmas

Dear Reader: God Winks appear from all kinds of diversified situations, places, and events…but over the years most of my “Ah-Ha” moments have come from reading lines from a book. I do believe God speaks to us, not only through scripture, … Continue reading

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