Category Archives: Uncategorized

Can You Feel It In the Air? Christmas is Near!

Dear Reader: The God Winks this past week have been showing up almost daily…they are literally dropping right in front of me…like the last of the beautiful fall leaves. The title photo is a sign I caught out of the … Continue reading

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Sitting on History…

Dear Reader: If you are admiring an adorable little white chair in front of my computer desk (instead of my “borrowed” kitchen chair that I’ve been forced to use for over a year now)…you are an excellent observer….I am now … Continue reading

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The Winter Solstice…The Night the Shadows Don’t Win

Dear Reader: Today is the shortest day of the year and if this were a football game…night would win because it would beat out the light…15 hours of darkness today. It appears that earth itself has turned away from the … Continue reading

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During Tough Christmases…Find One Decoration that Speaks to You

Dear Reader: This just might be the Christmas when we recognize that there is such a thing as “defiant decorations”…sounds really strange doesn’t it…but Quinn Caldwell explains it through his own personal experiences. Many of us will be able to … Continue reading

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Spoiling Jesus…A Grandmother’s Prerogative

Dear Reader: Yesterday, December 18, I decided to look ‘back to the future’ and see what I wrote about on that date in past years…When I looked at the blog post from December 18, 2019…the story was about grandmothers in … Continue reading

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…”She Will Move Mountains”

Dear Reader: A “God Wink”  appeared out of nowhere yesterday to restore a lot of faith in the universe and the messages it sends to each of us individually…especially when we need to hear it tell us … “Don’t worry…everything will … Continue reading

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Christmas Hearts of Love

Dear Reader: Yesterday I told you that I received a wonderful package filled with ‘everything good about Danish Christmas customs.’ (A children’s book filled with Danish stories, a bag filled with angel labels and another with traditional Christmas hearts for … Continue reading

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“What Child is This?”

Dear Reader: “What Child Is This?” is my favorite Christmas carol… hands down…because of the creator’s original history- the story behind the story of this song- intertwined with my own family’s history. The famous Christmas carol, penned in 1865 by … Continue reading

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Give Me Just Enough…This Christmas!

Dear Reader: I can honestly say I have never wanted riches beyond my wildest imagination….I have just wanted enough money to pay my monthly bills with enough left over to save for a rainy day and buy items, occasionally, I … Continue reading

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Look Ahead This Christmas…Not Behind

Dear Reader: When I came across this painting (using Norman Rockwell’s particular way of looking at the world) re-created by other artists…I had to smile. It reminded me of Jake on his little ladder trimming my Christmas tree for the … Continue reading

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