Category Archives: Uncategorized

Prosperity…Then Hoppin’ Johns???

Dear Reader: A quite surprising start to this New Year began about 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning. I woke up and moved to the sofa lugging my blankets and pillow with me…and snuggled back up…muting the television so I could watch … Continue reading

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Following Our Moral Compasses- 2021

Dear Reader: It has been a long time since so many people around the world have looked so forward to telling a year good-bye and turning towards the next one with such renewed hope and prayers for a better tomorrow. … Continue reading

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Take What You Need…Leave What You Can

Dear Reader: These days…it is getting easier and easier to come across all forms and kinds of ‘blessing boxes.‘ They come in all shapes… pantry boxes, cabinets, large bins, homemade wooden structures, tiny shacks and mobile units with windows. They … Continue reading

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Another Trip Around the Sun…

Dear Reader: Ever since Ginger Wilder sent me a birthday greeting wishing me a happy ‘trip around the sun’…I have fallen in love with that expression and idea. It is also the perfect greeting for a new year…in a sense…symbolically … Continue reading

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A Childhood Christmas Memory

Dear Reader: As most of you who “tuned” in yesterday realized…I am having computer problems. I have an old computer with new problems especially dealing with  anti-virus programs… that are no long compatible with this old Windows version on my … Continue reading

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A Childhood Christmas Memory

Dear Reader: Woke up yesterday morning… and I was running fever! Mandy had planned to bring EC and Jake! Vickie ran to the store to get Tylenol and drinks and crackers! I told Mandy to stay home and not bring … Continue reading

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T’was the Day After Christmas

Dear Reader: T’was the day after Christmas and apparently from this poem Santa doesn’t rest…Oh no!….He picks up after himself and all his reindeer….even cleaning out the sleigh before finally stopping to rest with milk and cookies…what a role model … Continue reading

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A “Big Blue Coat” Kind of Christmas

Dear Reader: Blustery winds and frigid temperatures have descended on the Low Country. “Big Red” the giant geranium, has been taken  on the B&B side to wait out this unusual cold snap. The weather dropped from a high of 70 … Continue reading

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Christmas Memories…How It All Began

Dear Reader: When Jeff, my pastor, and I met (several weeks ago) to plan for the annual Christmas Eve Story at the 5:00 Service…we both knew the service would have to be quite different… this year my story would be … Continue reading

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The Christmas Clock Just Keeps on Ticking…

Dear Reader: This past Monday morning I had my regularly scheduled oncology visit…all went well…I have a Christmas reprieve from more tests or procedures until February when I have my CT Scan…so I left  feeling like I really am on … Continue reading

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