Category Archives: Uncategorized

How “Soon” is Soon?

Dear Reader: Don’t most of us remember, as a child, asking how much longer a trip would take, that extremely annoying question to parents on long trips…in the form of “Are we there yet?” or “How much longer do we … Continue reading

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Waiting to Exhale…

Dear Reader: Does anyone else out there feel like I have been feeling since last March and most of last year…like I am holding my breath with so many scary unknowns still ‘circling the wagons?’ Watching the pandemic go from … Continue reading

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The Splendor of Life in Our Country

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a  chilly Saturday morning following a dark, turbulent week in our country’s history…I think many of us feel like the Calgon beauty bath commercial… just” Take me away.”  In fact…I found myself yesterday morning pulling up … Continue reading

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Give Peace A Chance

Dear Reader: When I hear so many of the old Beatles songs, including John Lennon’s beautiful “Give Peace a Chance” I remember a wonderful reunion with my high school friends. I had been away at college for a couple of … Continue reading

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The Sun Came Up Today

Dear Reader: Haven’t most of us experienced an alien feeling or thought… upon losing a loved one… that the world should stop turning on its axis at that precise moment in time… or that life, as we once knew it, … Continue reading

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A New Year…A New Idea

Dear Reader: I had a new idea yesterday and it filled me with happiness. In fact it made me recognize that I needed to stop and simply take the time to think about what incidents in my personal life make … Continue reading

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A Post of Thoughts…

Dear Reader: I had such lovely responses to yesterday’s post and I want to thank you for your comments. It is  wonderful to receive positive affirmations about certain topics…particularly thoughts about ourselves and our place in this shrinking world. Questions … Continue reading

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Missing Ourselves… A Piece of Our Puzzle

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all experienced a time when we catch a glimpse of ourselves in a store front window or even the rear view mirror of our car… and for a moment don’t  recognize our own reflection? It is … Continue reading

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“The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be”

Dear Reader: Yoga Berra, the famous Yankees baseball icon and Hall of Famer, was known as much for his wit and wisdom as his prolific baseball skills…and that’s saying something. One reporter once called him the “Ben Franklin” of baseball … Continue reading

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It’s the Little Things that Bring Us the Most Joy

Dear Reader: After starting  the first day of the New Year on such a high note early Friday morning…actually a green note (stimulus check)… it was followed by an exciting request for baby sitting services the next day Saturday (yesterday) … Continue reading

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