“The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be”

Dear Reader:

Yoga Berra, the famous Yankees baseball icon and Hall of Famer, was known as much for his wit and wisdom as his prolific baseball skills…and that’s saying something. One reporter once called him the “Ben Franklin” of baseball for his creative quips that always seemed to be right on the mark…like his bat.

Such is the Yogi quote in today’s blog title. 🙂 If anything, Berra’s quotes seem even more applicable today than ever.

As we admittedly rejoice in tucking away the year 2020 in a box like our Christmas decorations…we tend to want to hide this particular year-box  in some far-away cob-web corner of the attic …to be forgotten forever.

I had to laugh at the number of “funeral” parties for 2020 that took place Christmas Eve in lieu of traditional New Year’s parties. One group was all wearing these t-shirts. 🙂


There is a lot of truth in Yogi Berra’s title quote “The future ain’t what it used to be.” As much as we are praying for a speedy anti-Covid virus vaccination process for 2021…we realize that only time will reveal how successful the vaccination strategy accomplishes this mammoth task this year. The way I look at it…prayers help…no matter the obstacle.

Our country believes enough to put our manta “In God We Trust” on our money (which sadly some people revere more than God.) I personally believe that the only option we have when it comes to the future of our personal or professional lives…as well as political…is to place our trust in God.

We must pray for peace and harmony to reunite this divided land and look for new ways this year to bring us all closer together.

Every year for the past five years I have chosen “Listen” as my word for my New Year…if anything I think it is more important now than ever before…if we can learn to calmly listen to others before making assumptions or reacting negatively…I think we will discover we have more in common than we have differences in regard to our futures together.. the vast number of Americans long for a place where our children feel secure, accepted , and equal to every other citizen…with the same opportunity to keep the American Dream alive and well.

Let us teach and model compassion and dignity to all those little eyes watching… so one day they will know how to keep our historical democracy a shining example to the world…a beacon still welcoming the dream-catchers of a better tomorrow.

So until tomorrow…

The Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches met in Switzerland earlier in the fall to decide on the scriptural  mantra to guide us through faith in 2021.

They decided on the scripture (John 15:5-9) that states….”Abide in my love…You shall bear much fruit.” To abide in God’s love reminds us that we live in a community celebrating our gift of unity. The more the world sees itself as a community and not a separate entity…the closer our global, united goals of human brotherhood will draw nearer.

*Look at Big Red…the amazing geranium…somehow I gathered enough strength to pick that giant geranium pot up and place it back on the white bench. “Big Red” was sorely missing the sun and its favorite place on the porch.

I turned the container around so the backwards part would now get the sun and balance the amount of sun the large plant gets… so it wouldn’t get too top-heavy on one side.

I cut off many withered leaves…then I let it drink to its heart’s content…and bask in the warm sunshine we experienced yesterday…the future of “Big Red” provides me with a sense of security…that plant never lets me down…a model of fortitude and courage.

…And the Boo’s Blessings plaque above it…always reminds me how many blessings God has given me and will continue to do so.

Do take a moment to thank God for all His blessings as 2021 begins to settle in…

…and don’t forget…This year when we wrestle with indecision..remember Yogi Berra’s famous quote…

” When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”  🙂

Happy 2021 Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***I had a nice surprise yesterday…I ran out of paper cups so I went hunting for some “real” glasses…:) …and lo and behold there was an Erskine drinking glass that Libby had engraved with each of the Ya’s names on it as a memoir of our Erskine years…never would have found it again…if there was a paper cup around…meant to be.


…and as I start taking the decorations off the tree this week…I am going to save all the new 2020 ornaments for historical purposes..including this “original” given me by Honey…girl flower with a mask on. Love it Honey!



*** Update on Wanda, Susan’s sister…the last time I shared info with you after our collective prayer request things had really improved…unfortunately…this virus goes up and down more than a crazy elevator…Wanda’s oxygen levels are great one day and not so much the next…she is still in the hospital…and the family would really appreciate continued prayers until she hopefully stabilizes once and for all…and leaves the hospital. Will keep everyone updated. Thank you so much…as usual!!!

Look at this precious photo of Aunt Kaitlyn visiting  little Winnie…and “cousin” Atticus lying down beside her….so sweet!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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