Category Archives: Uncategorized

Francis Marion and the Ebony Chippendale Armchair

Dear Reader: I can’t help myself-this retired history teacher wants to share a revolutionary tale today about one of South Carolina’s ” Favorite Sons.” General Francis Marion-better known in history as the ” Swamp Fox” for using hit and run/ … Continue reading

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The Best Prizes Aren’t Found on a Stage

Dear Reader: Like most people growing up I would dream about what it must feel like to win a National or international award or prize. Every year I watched them come and go… getting no closer to that coveted dream … Continue reading

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I Never Make the Same Mistake Twice…

Dear Reader: By now you probably realize that yesterday you got two posts for the high price of one-insanity. The first one that popped up at six had center stage until about 9:30 am and was titled-God Enters the Doors … Continue reading

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April… The Month of Beauty and Blessings

Dear Reader: Just saying the word April softly produces a lilting sing-song to my voice… a soft melody. Sara Teasdale, in her prose on April, expresses it so well. …”I could not be sure of spring-save that it sings in … Continue reading

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God Enters the Doors of Imperfection

Dear Reader: Don’t we all get down sometimes and think we have made such a “mess” of our lives that we are beyond help? Our career is going down the tubes, our lifestyle is flawed, the house needs more repairs … Continue reading

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Learning in the Great Outdoors

Dear Reader: The title photo today is on the front of a canvas bag my neighbor Vickie gifted me for watching her cat, Fuzz, over the Easter holidays while visiting her granddaughter. Fuzz is quite a character and we always … Continue reading

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Life is About Beginning Again and Again and Again…

Dear Reader: From our first lesson in writing a story or doing a book report, we have been taught to make sure we include a beginning, a middle, and an ending. This “formula” we discovered… applied to everything in life… … Continue reading

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Having the Courage and Humility to Receive Jesus’ Gift of Life

Dear Reader: I am halfway through the book-The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. In this story a retired man who has never really lived-simply going through the motions and strikes of life – starts walking one day with one vague … Continue reading

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Easter – “Joyful Sorrow”

Dear Reader: I remember Grandmother Wilson always describing Easter Sunday as “Joyful Sorrow” while clasping her hands together, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer. As a small child I never understood this seemingly contradictory description…so I would just … Continue reading

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“Resurrecting” Easter Memories

Dear Reader: Last year right before Easter I had my first pandemic melt-down-an overwhelming sense of loss and sadness swept over me. For the first time since Eva Cate was born in 2010 there would be no Boo Easter Egg … Continue reading

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