Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Giving Spirit of Detachment

Dear Reader: Yesterday when I came across a parable that begins with a man sitting beside a river bank-my thoughts immediately took me to Mepkin Abbey-one of my favorite places to go and just let my thoughts free to ponder … Continue reading

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The Treasure of the Seeds

Dear Reader: You might remember a few posts ago-we learned that we averaged around 70,000 self-thoughts per day. So when someone assures you-you will ” think of something” to a problem … they are right. The trouble is, trying to … Continue reading

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The Best Hug in the World-The “CWTCH” from Wales

Dear Reader: Every time I get an update on my ancestry lineage from Ancestor. com -the percentages shift among all the countries that make up the British Isles… with Wales overtaking England now-and squeezed in between Ireland and Scotland. So … Continue reading

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She Wore a Pink Ribbon

Dear Reader; Grandma Moses was right when she said, ” Life is what you make it. Always has been. Always will be.” I came across this story that I read, a long time ago, from lots of different stories on … Continue reading

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Simplify Your Life by Verbal Declutter

Dear Reader: Have you ever thought about who you talk to the most? Guessing a friend, spouse, family member? Wrong! The person you most talk to daily is yourself! Want to take a guess at the number of times each … Continue reading

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“Portaging” – Prioritizing What’s Most Important

Dear Reader: A few years ago I finally got to visit Maine and fell in love with it. Anne has family who lives there and we had so much fun taking in the fall’s breath-taking beauty and enjoying all the … Continue reading

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Bonding Words that Outlive Life

Dear Reader: On ” Ellen” the other afternoon she had a brother and sister who are trying to get a fun word accepted into the dictionary-the word is ORBISCULATE-that moment when citrus fruit accidentally hits you in the eye-ouch! The … Continue reading

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Making Our Words Invaluable

Dear Reader: Being an ardent lover of words… I remembered this little story while cleaning out my garden fountain yesterday and finding a dime and a nickel lying at the bottom. Most times words carry emotional value to us but … Continue reading

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My Tree and Me

Dear Reader: I think a friend of mine, Dee Lesko, and myself were on the same thought wave yesterday. All five grandchildren’s Japanese Maples are breaking out in leaves all over -the girls’ are green leaves with pink tints and … Continue reading

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Food for ” Thought”

Dear Reader: The last few days have been troubling ones since the news broke last week about the murder of Dr Robert Lesslie, his wife Barbara. their two young grandchildren and an appliance employee working on the air conditioning. As … Continue reading

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