Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sacred Ordinariness

Dear Reader: Anne invited several friends, including me, to attend our church’s early service … held in our beautiful wooded area behind the sanctuary-an alternative worship site since COVID-19 hit. Weather permitting this service is held outdoors with worshippers bringing … Continue reading

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Memorial Day-Do It for Others

Dear Reader: A few weeks ago my brother Ben called and said he had an epiphany. He was very excited about it. In Ben’s story he describes what can only be deemed as Divine Intervention episodes that took place throughout … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: As I was watering yesterday the card tag fell off the planter-written on the yellow petunias card was Proven Winner-” Lickety-Split.” I started smiling to myself … I hadn’t heard that expression in a long time-though it was … Continue reading

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Lucy Locket isn’t the only gal looking for a Pocket!

Dear Reader: Every morning when I rise to water the garden… I start looking for a blouse or shirt or pair of pants with at least one pocket big enough for my mobile iPhone. ( …And I still have one … Continue reading

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Before Memorial Day… there was Decoration Day

Dear Reader: As I was listening to the local news yesterday morning one reporter announced that Charleston mayor, John Tecklenburg, was attending Decoration Day at Hampton Park in downtown Charleston. Few people know that Memorial Day started out being called … Continue reading

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We’re in This Together

Dear Reader: Didn’t we all hear this phrase ” We’re in this together” during the thick of the pandemic-even though it felt like we were alone and isolated during this scary time with no end in sight? Now the days … Continue reading

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The Miracle of Love Grows Exponentially

Dear Reader: As a middle school teacher I was always looking for books on different historical topics told from the perspective of a young adolescent. I could teach the facts but facts without emotion don’t stick. Years later it was … Continue reading

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Want to Be Happy? Gaze Outward!

Dear Reader: Have you ever had one of those days when the domino effect theory is alive and well. You experience one set-back and suddenly something else has gone array which sets off another set of unfortunate episodes. By the … Continue reading

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Wishin’ and Hopin’ … Need Action

Dear Reader: One has to go back to the early sixties to remember Dionne Warwick singing Wishin’ and Hopin.’ I loved it as a young adolescent. Some of you might remember the lyrics were about a young woman sharing her … Continue reading

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Signs of Hope

Dear Reader: Aren’t the days getting better? We can almost feel some of the earlier worries and stress oozing from our beings… everywhere around us new hope is dawning! Everyone can be vaccinated-no more long lines or computer glitches. We … Continue reading

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