Dear Reader:
I was thoroughly entertained this past week with a story in GuidePost I just happened to pick up.
Apparently there was this upscale fashion show organized by the women of one church to provide money to local charities. At one table a rather frail-looking but spirited ninety-something year old lady was providing lots of laughter at her table.
She was telling the ladies she had just gotten back from a tour of the Holy Land and what a grand time she had. The ladies shook their heads in amazement! She had traveled that far alone with strangers from around the world on a tour?
One woman asked if she wasn’t afraid of terrorists over there and/or being held hostage. She just laughed and replied ” Not at all!”
” Think about it… one of the benefits of growing old… in a hostage situation, I am most likely to be released first!” The women roared!
The guests were rewarded with door prizes. The little lady broke into laughter when she opened hers…she had won a twenty-year goal planner! She quickly handed it to a much younger woman at her table. ” Honey, I hope to Heaven I won’t be needing this!”
” I hope to start a clean slate when I return to the very beginning-the first day of life-” Let there be light… and I will start eternity with sunbeams dancing in my hair.”
So until tomorrow …” No matter which way I’m headed, I’m homeward bound”
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Yesterday I watched as Jake and Eva Cate attended Rock Climbing and Zip Lining Camp! As fun as it looked I am glad to be this age and a spectator!
Mandy and I went to Hidden Ponds Nursery and I brought back with me the most beautiful Bougainvillea plant!