Dear Reader:
This old GuidePost story popped up on my phone yesterday and it seemed so familiar for women and the challenges they face with aging and night driving.
How familiar is this phrase/ excuse heard by aging female friends …women start hearing their friends and themselves saying to night party invitations or get-togethers. ” I would love to attend but I don’t drive at night anymore.”
From the lack of today’s new technology directions for car drivers in this story…it must be dated several years back… because the author starts off saying” No GPS. No phone…. No one to help. Only a light.“
Apparently the author had accepted a Christmas Eve Celebration with close friends-had a great time singing carols and sipping eggnog.
She had stayed longer than she should have but had gotten caught up in the fun time with friends.
It was now around midnight and all was well until she got to the familiar freeway exit and saw a sign: Closed for Night Construction! Take Alternate Route!
Panicking she thought what alternate route? She only knew 55 Freeway… in growing anxiety she took the next exit… Big Mistake! She found herself in a deserted, empty parking lot. She needed a Christmas Miracle!
Suddenly a bright light shone on her-the Star of Bethlehem?
Then to her disappointment as she got closer … she discovered it was just street light on top of a pole. Still she felt herself drawn to it like a moth to a light bulb. Maybe there was a night watchman .
No night watchman but there was something that made her believe in Christmas miracles again.
Attached to the light pole was a sign:
55 Freeway: Straight Ahead.
The Way Back Home
I am still experiencing my own Christmas Miracles ( God Winks) as you see here!

Yesterday ( December 21-was Winter Solstice Day… longest night of year and shortest day! More light now and longer days… Yeah!
But… did you also know December 21 was also World Gratitude Day! My neighbor Ann and I decided to attend the Hot Chocolate Festival here and share and make new friendships with others… in gratitude for our families, friends and …feeling loved by so many of you readers who lifted me up during my darkest days!
New friends and hot hot chocolate-delicious!

What a fun thing….gotta love hot chocolate…what a blessing you are to that you meet…