Dear Reader:

If you plant them ( flowers) … ” they” will come… butterflies, of course! How beautiful… (purposefully posed … I think! )

There is just something about the word March, itself, that pulls images of flowers, gardens, skates ( aging myself) moths and butterflies… breezes ( sometimes strong) sun and clear blue skies. ( unless March is just adding another foot of snow to what you already have… sorry west and north coast. )

Jeff came yesterday to clean off layers of winter debris… revealing even more new green life that had been hiding under piles of pine straw, pinecones, broken twigs and big branches. The end result is like what we feel after moping floors or vacuuming carpet and/ or rugs… a deep sense of satisfaction.

I have also come to realize that March isn’t just about ” beautiful new beginnings” but stunning transitions. Take this ” Loropetalum” … it is in the process of shedding brown dead petals while simultaneously adding pretty purple petals… the combination is striking!

The last thing Jeff did was clean out the fountain… I ran and turned it on… and there was that soothing sound of running water … then I remembered yesterday’s post … just keep feeding the lake, the pond, the fountain!

So until tomorrow… Anne reflected on her recent adventure in Mexico with several family members … acknowledging now that the trip was all about water… ” in abundance, poverty -a rocking chair, porch chats sometimes…they all experienced and witnessed firsthand water from the perspective of rafts, kayaks, and boats -the glory …and the devastation from its absence.”
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh’s

Now don’t forget… today is March 1 … first thing this morning say ” Rabbit Rabbit Day!” We want to ” MARCH” into spring with a ” spring” in our steps!

Rabbit …Rabbit…♥️
Hope it is the best month ever!
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