“Are We Fun Any More?”


Dear Reader:

download (1)Sunday night I was watching a re-run episode of Madame Secretary (love that show!) and remembered it was one of my favorites. In this episode Alison, the younger daughter, is looking at colleges and her mother and older sister, Stevie, are going with her to visit one.

The low-key, anonymous experience they had all hoped for and been assured would happen…didn’t. Banners, photos, and even a protest rally take place within minutes of their arrival. This puts everyone on edge accompanied by several international crises that must be dealt with during what was supposed to be a memorable mother-daughters get-away weekend.

Finally the younger daughter escapes by sneaking out to go to a Welcome Party for the incoming freshmen… until her older sister discovers her absence, finds her, and drags her away. Furious, Alison proclaims to Stevie….“You and mom aren’t fun any more….you never, ever do anything spontaneous just for the sake of having fun.”

In the next scene Stevie is waking her exhausted mother up from sleep and exclaiming, “She’s right, mom, we aren’t fun any more.” She goes on to explain to her mother what Alison had said and started recalling fun times from the past.

Earlier that day, while touring the campus, the guide pointed out a high hill that was known as “Stress Reliever Slope”….where students could go in the winter and slide down the snowy slope amid squeals of delight like little children. Elizabeth McCord, longingly, wished that the White House had such a fun escape…it was much needed.

So, as you can imagine, the last scene shows Elizabeth and Stevie waking up Alison and all three of them sliding down the slope- squealing so loudly they drown out the poor secret service man who keeps repeating “Madame Secretary….this isn’t a good idea”….over and over.

When the show ended, I paused and thought to myself…“Am I still fun?”  I enjoy myself in most situations and feel quite contented with my life….but enjoyment and contentment sound too much like a rocking chair and walker.

What about spontaneous, unplanned activities or side trips that make us laugh out loud and discover something new? The older we get I think it is even more important not to act our age.



How could any of us forget this man’s ‘last lecture’ on living and dying?  “Randy” Pausch was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

imagesWhen he discovered he was dying from pancreatic cancer and there was no medical hope in sight to save him….he decided to share his personal last journey with his classes. It was recorded and millions watched this courageous young man’s last thoughts directed to his students and family. It was unforgettable and was later turned into a best-selling book. He died in 2008 leaving behind a young wife and three small children.

Yet…having fun was one of his top priorities for as long as he was alive. He knew intuitively God doesn’t like the gloom and doom attitude towards death because so much joy awaits each of us. And besides having fun with our children and grandchildren provides the memories in them that will last a lifetime of us long after we are gone.

So until tomorrow….Let’s go do something spontaneous ….something that makes us pause in the middle of it and think to ourselves “Wow! I’m really having fun!”

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

Disney World put a plaque containing a quote from Randy Pausch right next to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Exhibit. He believed in keeping child-like wonder and being a Tigger over an Eyeore.


  • *It is amazing what a little rain can do….yesterday this double beauty bloomed at last. It had been in bud form for weeks….as if knowing it was too darn hot to bloom.FullSizeRender
  • FullSizeRenderA “Shout-Out” to Brookie for once again heading up her church’s “Hands of Christ” back- to-school supply project. It is a mammoth undertaking, particularly with Brooke’s small church congregation. It is even harder to pull this off…but she and a friend do it again and again. Way to go my friend!
  • 13434913_10154251282099878_4334079405822187808_nBrooke sat under this tent in the 100 degree heat all day last Friday and Saturday giving out supplies for school. 259 children walked away with school supplies!!!!!
  • FullSizeRender
  • IMG_2484 (2)The sweetest thing I have ever witnessed at a funeral service took place yesterday in my church sanctuary. Bob Wickersham (teacher, coach, administrator, friend to all) was laid to rest and his service was packed to the hilt.
  • Our pastor, Jeff, talked about Bob’s love of sports and the last song he ever sang with his sweet little tiny granddaughter a few weeks ago.
  • Suddenly this precious child was picked up by Jeff with the microphone placed in front of her… and we were told to let her start the song and then  chime in. I figured it was probably “Jesus Loves Me”….but, instead, we were soon all singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” (You hit a “fun” home run to heaven Bob!)



About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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