Renovating Homes and Re-Inventing Ourselves


Dear Reader:

In a few weeks Walsh, Mollie, and the boys will move into the B&B side to live while their home is being renovated. I knew when I started renovating (myself) the other side that it would come in handy for emergencies ( Like air conditioning failure) family and friends overnight stays, and a place for family to live between moves or renovations.


FullSizeRenderLife is crazy with two little boys (3 and almost one and a half.) It can’t possibly be anything else. So every now and then Mollie and Walsh know you just have to stop and have a family hug fest. As long as everyone knows they are loved….the rest will work itself out.


I admit that I am a “HGTV” junkie…..flip or flop, renovate or sell, fixer-uppers, etc. I love them all. It has occurred to me that we humans are faced with the personal choices of whether we, ourselves, are going to “sell out” or fix our own lives up to the dreams we harbor.


It really does come down to “To be or not to be….that is the question.” Are we going to follow the path that our being is urging us to take or simply follow the easier path of selling out on our heart’s aspirations? The answer lies within us.

On the way out of Mandy’s subdivision Saturday I noticed their exit sign board which read: “Follow Your Dreams….They Will Lead You to Your Destination.”

carrieLet me give a “shout-out” to my adorable niece, Carrie Simpson, who quietly, without fanfare, began preparing herself to make a change in her career… which she felt was her dream unfolding.

As a Pre-K teacher in Dorchester Two schools, she decided to begin the switch to speech therapy. This required completing an intensive three- year program plus summer internships. She just finished her last internship, graduated with honors, and is now starting a new vocation, at a new school, still within  her field and love of education.

She took classes and taught simultaneously and no one ever heard a complaint. Like the sign said: “Follow your dreams; they will lead you to your destination.” Change doesn’t have to happen overnight or be something revolutionary….in fact quiet change, accompanied by thoughtful reflection, is the best kind of change.

One very precious freedom given to us IS the freedom to re-invent ourselves as we are lead by our Creator. (I thought the following true story excerpt is a good example of this idea.)

Freedom to Re-Invent- the Man with the Violin (Huffington Post-Kathi Sharp-Ross)

(The author was on her way to a conference and met another attendee on the flight …he was carrying a case and when she asked, curiously, what was in it…he shared his story with her)

“I was traveling on a biz trip when a mutual friend introduced us in the gateway prior to boarding the plane. I knew he was heading to the same conference I was and I knew the business he was in. He was carrying a rectangular case onto the plane and heading to the International Licensing Show. I was curious what goodies he was carrying in the case with him for the conference. When he told me it was his violin and he “wouldn’t go anywhere without it” I was intrigued.

Being the shy person I am, I drilled him with questions for the next 45 minutes on the short flight. He fit the perfect profile of my reinvention stories. He had never played in his life, had always dreamed of it, went out and just bought a violin, went on YouTube to download video tutorials to start learning how to play and now indulges himself in playing Debussy, Chopin, Tchaikovsky anytime and anywhere he pleases.

It blew me away as this is the classic example I so often share about how one can nurture their soul and tickle their fantasies by just doing what he did.”


So until tomorrow….Help us Father find the courage to follow the path You wish us to travel by living out our dreams of total fulfillment.

Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh



It is the first day of August. Say “Rabbit” and have good luck all month. Wasn’t that shower wonderful yesterday and hopefully some more rain is forecast for today. Maybe August will make up for the lack of the rain all summer for us. The garden and myself would love it!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Renovating Homes and Re-Inventing Ourselves

  1. Rachel Edwards says:

    We saw Doodle, Harvey, Julie and Carrie in Stein Mart …enjoyed catching up.and ypu are right Carrie is a smart and sweet young womsn.

    That is exciting that you are going to have company soon. It will be busy.

    Loved the reinventing story.. I decided at 31 ro go back to get my Masters with 15 month old twins and workimg…with a husband who coached 3 sports…but I finally arrived where I was supposed to be…a school media specialist. Sometimes Fred and I talk about it snd wonder who kept the kids and how did we pay for it bc he was workimg on his Madyets too…but the good Lord saw us through…

    We need to get together soon. ..I.have a wild we’re this week but I will pop in..Love you

    On Aug 1, 2016 6:02 AM, “Chapel of Hope Stories” wrote:

    > Becky Dingle posted: ” Dear Reader: In a few weeks Walsh, Mollie, and the > boys will move into the B&B side to live while their home is being > renovated. I knew when I started renovating (myself) the other side that it > would come in handy for emergencies ( Like air con” >

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